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World News and Trends- Strategic threats facing Israel: An update

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World News and Trends- Strategic threats facing Israel

An update

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Former Israeli general Uri Dromi sums up the current threats against the Jewish state. They mainly consist of Iran, Syria, Hamas and Hezbollah. Realistically, an Iran armed with nuclear weapons will pose a serious threat to the Arab world itself and potentially even to Europe. Yet the state of Israel is somehow viewed as the sole target of Iranian aggression.

General Dromi wrote: "The Syrian threat is closer to home, with a massive arsenal of SCUD missiles targeting most of Israel's territory . . . [Yet] the Syrian regime is extremely cautious and would not initiate an attack . . . [Of course] the Syrians are actively helping Hizbollah to rearm" (The Jewish Chronicle, March 2, 2007).

Israeli security warns that the Palestinians are preparing for yet another armed intifada by smuggling weapons into Gaza by way of Egypt. (Source: The Jewish Chronicle [London].)

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