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World News and Trends- The Middle East : Facing a bleak future?

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World News and Trends- The Middle East

Facing a bleak future?

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Geography, historical events, world and regional politics, centuries of ethnic and religious strife, a critical natural resource and the dark side of human nature have all conspired to turn the Middle East into the cauldron of conflicts it is today.

A London Times feature article observed that "it is one of the world's most unstable regions, where conflicts over land, ideology and religion have raged for centuries." Although the Middle East has a long and complicated history, some observers view European penetration as the beginning of the present series of difficulties.

World War I (1914 to 1918) brought the Ottoman Empire of the Turks to an end and ushered in several decades of considerable British influence. The aftermath of World War II (1939 to 1945) drained Britain and Europe of much of its power and influence in the region.

The founding of the present state of Israel in 1948 proved to be an epochal event, along with an Israeli victory in the Six-Day War some 20 years later. The crucial importance of the location of an abundance of crude oil reserves in several Arab states was highlighted by the 1973 energy crisis. The Palestinian problem with its periodic intifadas has dominated much of the last three decades.

What may lie ahead in the Middle East is of crucial importance to the West and to the world. American influence has taken a blow due to unrelenting insurgencies in the aftermath of the Iraq war. Small private armies throughout the region are mushrooming due to actual and perceived weaknesses in state authorities. They will inevitably be drawn into regional conflicts.

Current evidence appears to show that most Arab nations will resist democracy, leaving authoritarian dictatorships in place for the foreseeable future. Anti-Americanism is rife and growing in most Islamic nations. Economic growth due to globalism is unlikely to greatly benefit this part of the world, with the exception of Israel.

Iran is the biggest threat to peace although the Iraqi and Palestinian problems remain running sores. The hoped-for peace process itself appears to have been cast aside, at least for the present.

Foreign Affairs, published by the Council on Foreign Relations, summed up its view of the region's future: "The Middle East will remain a troubled and troubling part of the world for decades to come" (November-December 2006 issue).

The Bible partially agrees with this viewpoint but also guarantees a bright future in the long run. Our free booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy explains both the region's historical background and its prophetic future, more immediate as well as long term. Request or download your free copy at www.gnmagazine.org/booklets. (Source: Foreign Affairs, The Times London].)

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