United Church of God

Inside United Podcast #182: Rick Berendt - COVID and Caring for Each Other

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Inside United Podcast #182

Rick Berendt - COVID and Caring for Each Other

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Inside United Podcast #182: Rick Berendt - COVID and Caring for Each Other

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Inside United Podcast #182: Rick Berendt - COVID and Caring for Each Other by United Church of God

Rick Berendt, a physician in Alberta, and Victor Kubik discuss what's been learned through the COVID-19 pandemic and how we can move forward together by following the best public health advice and by focusing on our love for God and each other.

Send us your questions, comments, or suggestions at podcast@ucg.org.


  • Svidor07
    God’s love is evident in the outgoing concern for others, thank you for sharing the wisdom and advice. This is truly a tumultuous time and it seems in so many ways that the love of many has waxed cold, but it’s heartening to know and see others who are willing to make sacrifices large and small and to put themselves aside out of love and consideration for the brethren and complete strangers.
  • Margaret.Is.Listening
    Hello Dr. Rick Berendt: Your podcast has just increased my Patience Quotient in this Pandemic. Thank you! MTT
  • Robert and Val
    Your comments are not unexpected Chelsey. Your bias is clear. I was called into the truth in 1962. Going to a doctor was a sin, divorce not allowed, child abuse and other extremes were being taught. In my 50 years as a pastor, I have seen adults and children suffer and die needlessly. That included my wife who died in 1983 after wholistic treatment for cancer. I have seen your kind of misinformed bias for too long. I have 8 medical doctors in my immediate family. In the “outside world” they are heroes as they save lives and enhance health – only in the church are they subject to comments such as yours. Had you listened to the latest post without your bias, you would have heard the expressed need for rest, exercise, good food and vitamins – the subject was, though, was the virus which is taking lives. But instead, you criticize and condemn in an ungodly manner and then try to add God into your point of view. What a twisted image of God you have. They say ignorance is bliss – and perhaps for the person who is ignorant, that is true for a while, but when their ignorance hurts other people, it is time for them to think. I hope you will, but I realize that is asking a lot,
  • Chelsey Meierhofer
    And as you know the white coats of this world are worshiped as it’s own religion. “Believe without question, or else” they say to these with their crowns of glory and sainthood. We must be careful to not to fall prey to the belief that science knows everything and is always right, and to blindly follow it. There is bad and corrupt science, we must keep seeking to prove the full truth and intentions behind it. So as a church I agree, we really shouldn’t be talking about a stance on masks and the draconian measures these “health care experts” are enforcing. Whether you believe those particular scientific studies and their efficacy or not. There is a bigger global picture here to be looking at. However, we may need to as a church address one topic that was mentioned in the podcast as deemed to many as a saviour that will save us from this virus sooner than later.
  • Chelsey Meierhofer
    There are experts just as/or more qualified on the other side too....and as we’ve been being told every week in emails and announcements for almost a year, we are to not talk about our position on these polarizing, highly hot topics. But this podcast and advertising it, is completely hypocritical of what they’ve been preaching. It says to me, “If it doesn’t agree with me, then it’s biased”. Now as you can see in the comments, people with this bias are wanting to share it in their local congregations. If this is what your stance is... get off the fence, lean into it completely, and don’t tell us we as a church have to remain unbiased then. There is so much more to this world stage being set up. There are many figs on the tree that have been ripening for years, and now the leaves are out and the twigs are tender... Yes we of course, follow government rules, except when it comes to compromising Gods commands, (that we, as a church, may have to address, sooner than later). We must always WATCH, and if there is any question, especially if it may contradict Gods laws, we MUST prove all things, our due diligence and vigilance is our duty.
  • Chelsey Meierhofer
    Mr. Berendt. I am sorry for your loss. I sympathize. I am just a tiny little lowly sheep, I am no one special in the church. I respect that everyone has a different map of the world, different ways of thinking and approaching things. I am not condemning Dr.’s, as I am taught by some of the most famous ground breaking Dr.s/scientists in the world. I am merely trying to address the unbiased view we were told to hold in church. You must realize that other people have been given gifts of knowledge, brains and discernment too. My point, if you read it, was that there are different ways of looking at this, do not condemn others views, their scientists, doctors, their credentials, or research. There is more than one way in which you can frame the same house.
  • KenGailEvans
    Although the good Dr. is very well educated and most likely a very good Dr.it appears he has forgotten he is an ordained minister in God's church. He exhibits a great deal of a lack of faith by recommending members stay at home instead of going to Church. He himself admits that he does not attend because of Covid. Does he really believe God would allow members to contract the virus at church while obeying Him by abandoning the the gathering of the saints? What has become of the faith in our membership? Faith conquers fear!
  • Svidor07
    Sir, members of God’s Church have contracted COVID and congregations have had to pause meeting due to spread amongst themselves, some have also died from COVID. And it is not faith that conquers fear, but love. God does give protection, but He also expects us to do or not do things out of love for Him and others, and to be wise. There are consequences for choices, good and bad, and the impact of these choices and consequences may be far greater than simply for ourselves. Proverbs 22:3 NLT [3] A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
  • KenGailEvans
    I did not say members cannot catch Covid 19. I said I believe they cannot catch it at church. I have asked members all over if they knew anyone who caught it at church. No one has come forward. Members who caught it did so elsewhere. I believe God protects us while we are doing what we are commanded to do which is to not abandon the gathering of the saints. If you are sick then by all means stay home! Don't "tempt the Lord."
  • Chelsey Meierhofer
    I am in absolute disappointment with this podcast that had NO mention of God in it. I come from the other educated side of health, the Curing and Reversing disease and illnesses from its source, which aligns perfectly with the bible and Gods laws on living. Not the medical Pharma side that just treats the disease or symptoms. For repeatedly telling us not to be polarized on this situation, you sure are polarizing and mentioning masks and vaccines. There are other experts with the same degrees or more on the opposite side saying the complete opposite, ( who are being CANCELED in this Cancel Culture) and to tell us to stop proving all things and just trust in MAN... to stop listening to "misinformation", "conspiracy theories" and to just listen to the health care experts put in place. It sounds like you are making an EXTREME stance on this situation, mocking people on the other side, people with credentials or an education not funded by Pharma or Doctors/scientists who's research are proving these draconian measures wrong! And also sharing it in your emails more than once. I have to say...this was in bad taste.
  • plandgren
    Excellent.!! Could this be recommended to be played in all of our congregations? Thank you!!
  • Justice777
    Excellent and timely podcast with sound advice -- thank you!
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