United Church of God


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Total results: 94.
United News
The Portuguese language version of the Fundamental Beliefs of the United Church of God booklet has been printed, and the Spanish language version of Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion has also been completed.
The Portuguese language version of the Fundamental Beliefs of the United Church of God booklet has been printed, and the Spanish language version of Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion has also been...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
As we begin the Days of Unleavened Bread this year, I believe it is important that we know its history and importance. I believe that for us to fully appreciate the meaning and value of these days, we need to understand that it pre-dates...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
In a few weeks, we will begin the 2020 fall Holyday season beginning with the Feast of Trumpets on Sabbath the 19th of September. The fall festivals begin after a long 3 month gap, since we observed Pentecost in June. Are the focus of the...
by Randy Stiver
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin 2019
The final day of the Feast of Tabernacles seven-day observance is a separate holyday. Called the Eighth Day in the Old and the Last Great Day in the New Testament, it is the incredible annual holyday that profoundly corrects the salvation...
by Bob Carlisle
Redlands, CA
What is going through the minds of non-church going people, at their work place, when they experience a mandatory day off for God's Holydays because the owner of the business keeps the Holydays and will not be open for business? Mr....
by Rick Shabi
Daytona Beach, Florida 2021
It is the seventh holyday of the year. God calls it the "Eighth Day" in Leviticus; Christ calls it the Last Great Day in John 7:37. All have meaning for this last holyday of the year, in which God's plan for mankind and the physical earth...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
  We are about 4 weeks from the Holydays and I believe we understand and appreciate that the Holydays are more than history… they are all about Jesus Christ… what He has done, what He is presently doing, and what He will do in the...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
As we approach the fall Holydays, I thought it might be helpful for us to review the observance of God’s annual festivals in the future. Prophecy reveals that gentile nations shall be expected to observe the Festivals in the World Tomorrow...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
As we approach the fall Holydays, I thought it might be helpful for us to review the observance of God’s annual festivals in the future. Prophecy reveals that gentile nations shall be expected to observe the Festivals in the World Tomorrow...
by Rick Shabi
Orlando, FL
As we enter the fall holyday season, the first festival is the Feast of Trumpets, which God describes as a “memorial of blowing of trumpets.” We may think of many things when we think of trumpets, but there is one meaning of their...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
According to the Gregorian calendar, we are entering a new year… 2024. Having several wars going on at the same time, and it being an election year in the divided USA, I am sure it will be a doozy of a year! Today, I am not going to focus...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
In a few weeks, we will begin celebrating the fall Holydays. I believe it is important that we understand that according to the Fathers plan, the Holydays are about the central role and presence of Jesus Christ. They represent what Jesus...
by Matt King
Las Vegas, NV
The theme of purity is threaded through the Spring Holydays. This message explores the theme of purity as exemplified in Hebrews 9 and Leviticus 4. Hebrews 9 emphasizes the superiority of Christ's sacrifice in purifying not just...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
As we begin the Days of Unleavened Bread this year, I believe it is important that we know its history and importance. I believe that for us to fully appreciate the meaning and value of these days that we understand that it pre-dates the...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
The Passover and spring Holydays are now less than 3 weeks away. The United Church of God proudly observes God’s Holydays. Aside from the fact that God instructs us to observe them, each of the Holy days have significant meaning for the...
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
Recently we observed the New Testament Passover, and today we are celebrating the First day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread. Like many of the Biblical Holydays, this Festival was tied into harvest seasons… after all… the plan of God...
by Jerold Aust
Laurel, MS
This Holyday focuses on being truly and finally free from sin.
by Greg Musgrove
Laurel, MS
This Holyday focuses on our driving force to eat.
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
Today, I would like to look at some key scriptures all from the Minor Prophets. Let us see what special event they looked forward to. In spite of Judah’s and Israel’s many sins… what did these prophets proclaim about the future? What we...
by Mario Seiglie
Orange County, CA
On the Day of Atonement, the pastor discusses six key scriptures that help us to expand our understanding of this holy day.
