United Church of God

4 Things to Love About Winter Camp

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4 Things to Love About Winter Camp

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Wondering what to do with yourself over two full weeks of winter break? Is Winter Family Weekend not long enough for your tastes in fellowship and fun? Do you want to do something you’ve never done before and embark on the adventure of a lifetime? Join us in East Troy, Wisconsin, for the unforgettable experience that is Winter Camp. Here are four things you’ll love about Winter Camp:

1. Activities like no other camp

You can’t snowboard at summer camp. It’s hard to go tobogganing when the heat index is in the triple digits. Come to Winter Camp to experience these activities and others that no other UYC camps can offer. Frosty favorites such as winter survival, broomball, tubing and more will return. Camp classics including swing dancing, team building and the Amazing Race will be there. What more fun activities could you ask for!

2. Friends and fellowship

Winter Camp boasts a surplus of social events for you to meet and re-meet other teens in God’s Church. Get acquainted from the get-go with a game of bunco. Enjoy air hockey, foosball and ping pong in the game room. Tear it up on the dance floor with not one but two camp-wide dances. Winter Camp draws teens from all across America and beyond! Don’t miss out on this fantastic fellowship opportunity.

Camp is always a blast—you know it’s going to be good! Between the terrific and challenging activities, friendly environment of the Zone and daily instruction in God’s way, what more could you ask for? Returning campers already know the fun and excitement. Don’t be afraid to try something new and experience it for the first time! Take a week this year and join us at Winter Camp.

3. Growing close to God

Start the day off right with a compass check message alongside breakfast. Campers can retreat to the warm indoors for an interactive Bible class, one of the scheduled activities. The Sabbath is full of opportunities to learn about God, including a mid-morning Bible seminar, hymn sing and Sabbath services. Campers of all ages will have the chance to participate in a question-and-answer session with ministers and other staff. This is all on top of daily Christian living and discussions with dorm parents. Learn how to “Be Like Our Heavenly Father” at Winter Camp.

4. Come on, it’s camp!

Camp is always a blast—you know it’s going to be good! Between the terrific and challenging activities, friendly environment of the Zone and daily instruction in God’s way, what more could you ask for? Returning campers already know the fun and excitement. Don’t be afraid to try something new and experience it for the first time! Take a week this year and join us at Winter Camp.

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