United Church of God

Camp is Coming!

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Camp is Coming!

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We have another excellent issue—our pre-camp issue—for your reading pleasure. I hope you find all the articles practical and encouraging in your life as one of God’s young people. I plan on being at two of our teen camps this summer. I had the pleasure of visiting Winter Camp in Wisconsin last December. It is a joy to see you in this special camp environment that depicts God’s way of life in action.

Please remember that the deadline for registering for camp is May 1—http://uyc.ucg.org. The 2016 Christian living theme is “Guided by God’s Word.” See articles about this theme in the special United News UYC insert issue. Let’s make this the best camp season ever, together!

Readers, check out our new regular feature called “Dear Compass Check.” This feature will provide practical Bible-based answers to questions and issues facing you as a teen. And as always, please e-mail me your questions that you’d like answered and topics you’d like covered in future issues at compasscheck@ucg.org.

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We hope you’ll enjoy this second issue of Compass Check.