United Church of God

Festival greetings from sites around the world

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Festival greetings from sites around the world



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Festival greetings from sites around the world

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Greetings from our brethren in Angola

Over 2500 brethren are camping together in one central site in Angola for the Feast in the province of Kwanza Sul. They are doing well and send their love and greetings to all the brethren around the world. 

Jorge de Campos


Llandudno, Wales

Llandudno, North Wales has once again provided a welcoming Festival site for 185 happy Feast-goers.

Mild autumn weather has been ideal for all activities, highlights of which have been a visit to the historic Roman walled city of Chester and a scenic all-day trip to the beautiful mountainous region of Snowdonia, which included a journey on the narrow-gauge railway from Ffestiniog to Porthmadog on the coast.

This is a family-unity themed Feast and the messages have been both positive and uplifting in reflecting this theme.

Barry Lavers
Festival Coordinator


Grenada, West Indies

The 92 brethren in Grenada are really feeling the Millennium--so much so that we would celebrate an extra 8 days if we could.  What a beautiful and peaceful setting God has blessed us with.  The weather has been almost perfect, including breathtaking sunsets. God's Spirit and joy are evident among all the brethren here.  Do we really have to leave?  Praying you all are enjoying the best Feast ever as well.

Chuck Smith


Feast Greetings from Passikudah, Sri Lanka

Feast greetings from 68 of your brethren observing God’s feast at the beautiful Amaya Beach on the east coast of Sri Lanka.  We’ve been blessed with a millennial setting of a calm sea, warm weather, great fellowship, smiling faces and delicious meals. We like all of you have also feasted on inspiring and encouraging messages. The Sri Lankan brethren are enjoying the 26 international transfers coming from Canada, England and the United States. We have become a big family and the spirit of God is ever present at this Feast site.  

We wish you all a wonderful conclusion to your feast as we rehearse and and look forward to the restoration of all things - and the coming reality of the the Kingdom of God to the earth. 

David Schreiber and Frank Reckerman
Amaya Beach, Passikudah, Sri Lanka


Feast Greetings from Agra India

Warm Festival greetings from 26 of your brethren in balmy Agra India. Together, we are immensely enjoying the daily services, the many activities, sharing all meals, and spending much time together. Before we knew it, half of this wonderful Feast had passed.

We wish our brothers and sisters around the world the very best Feast experience ever and look forward to being together in the time that these days picture.

Charles Desgrosseilliers


Festival Greetings - Branson, MO

Greetings to our brethren worldwide from 650 brethren in attendance at this joyous festival in Branson, MO!

God has blessed us with a theme of the significance of Israel in His plan for all of mankind. This theme includes the laws given at Mt. Sinai, the existence of the throne of David on earth today, the gathering of Israel in the millennium and the model nation Israel will become.

We anticipate God’s blessings over the services and activities as we enjoy the loving fellowship of His developing family. We are praying for a safe and fulfilling remainder of the feast to all our brethren worldwide.

Joe Dobson
Festival Coordinator


Evian-les-Bains, France

Bonjour from 267 brethren observing the Feast in the French Alps on the shores of Lake Geneva.

We have French, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Filipino and English speakers but God’s Spirit binds us all together as we look forward to Christ’s return.

We are praying for God’s protection on His people at this special time.

Tim Pebworth
Festival Coordinator


Greetings from Lake George, New York!

The weather and countryside have been beautiful with fall temperatures. Although we had gentle rains throughout the day, that did not dampen the excitement of Family Day.  Some braved the weather and rode horses in the rain but most stayed indoors to play games, sing karaoke, swim in the indoor pool, dance and talk for hours.   The messages have been inspired and full of enthusiasm.   We wish you all a wonderful Feast of Tabernacles!

Jay Ledbetter
Festival Coordinator


Feast greetings from Jekyll Island

We send everyone feast greetings from Jekyll Island, Georgia. Attendance for the first Holy Day was 563. We have had beautiful weather and no problems to report as we keep the feast in a millennial setting. We wish all our fellow members a wonderfully rewarding feast both physically and spiritually.

Stan Martin
Jekyll Coordinator


Greetings from beautiful Snowshoe, West Virginia

453 brethren are gathered on the mountain top enjoying inspiring messages an great fellowship! We are now affectionately calling it “The Mountain of the Lord”, for the next 8 days. The sermon message by Mr. Brian Shaw on the first day reviewed many scriptures that explain the type of government that will rule in the millennium.

We pray all of God’s people have an equally inspiring Feast of Tabernacles, wherever you may be!

Len Martin
Festival Coordinator


Festival Greetings from Galveston, Texas

Warm greetings from Galveston, Texas.

For the opening service 250 happy Feast-goers gathered and the attendance swelled to 352 for the first Holy day.

The weather has been warm and sunny and the messages have focused on the realities of  God's soon coming Kingdom.

We pray that all will be inspired to rejoice before the Lord and to learn to fear the Lord our God always.

Gary Smith
Feast Coordinator
Galveston, Texas


Feast of Tabernacles Anchorage, Alaska

Warm greetings from Anchorage, Alaska

360 brethren gathered this afternoon on the Holy Day service.  The sermon, by Jim Tuck, focused us on the reminder that we are in training in being under government now so that we can serve under Jesus Christ as kings and priests in the World Tomorrow.  

The Holy Day offering was very generous.  Almighty God is blessing the Feast in every way!

Vince Szymkowiak


Greetings from Baguio City

Greetings from 131 brethren keeping the Feast of Tabernacles in Baguio City, Philippines! 

God has blessed us with cool sunny weather here at the Summer Capital of the country as we started keeping this year’s Feast.

We wish all our brethren from different parts of the globe a very spiritually inspiring & joyful Feast of Tabernacles!

Rey M. Evasco


Festival Greetings from Phoenix, AZ

Warm Festival Greetings from 161 brethren enjoying God's Feast in the Grand Canyon State! Opening night services inspired us to Stay Close to God, Think Past Ourselves, and Bring Peace with each other and all whom we interact with these 8 days, and beyond.

We look forward with all our brethren around this planet to the ultimate fulfillment of these days!

Steve Kennedy
Festival Coordinator's Assistant


Saludos desde Cartagena de Indias (Greetings from Cartagena de Indias, Colombia) 

Joyful and warm hellos from 91 members of God’s spiritual family settled here next to the Caribbean Sea in the Bocagrande area of Cartagena!

We’ve opened the Festival with a message of focus and encouragement,

¿Por qué nos regocijamos en la fiesta de Dios? (Why Do We Rejoice at God’s Feast?)

Love is shared and fellowship is rich.  The weather is perfect!

May all members of the Body of Christ be blessed during this special time of renewal and hope.

Scott Hoefker


Festival Greetings From Estonia

Festival greetings from 40 of your brethren gathered together in beautiful Kuressaare, an island off the coast of Estonia — the land of the descendants of the tribe of Issachar! 

A local specialty here is saunas, spas and massages — a spa facility for every ten people, more than anywhere else in the country and one of the most in the world. 

The Feast has gotten off to a very inspiring beginning, and we pray that yours has too.

Johnnie Lambert
Festival Coordinator


Hello from New Zealand

Feast Greetings from Orewa Beach, New Zealand

180ish of us are rejoicing together at this beautiful location where God has placed his name. We are learning God’s way together and practicing God’s way together.

Here a few photos that I took this morning as I walked on the Beach. (See Downloads for zipped folder of pictures.)

Daniel Porteous
Feast Coordinator NZ


Blantyre, Malawi

Warm Feast greetings from over 95 of your brethren observing God's Feast at their newly constructed beautiful church hall in Blantyre, Malawi. We have been blessed with a moderate weather, great fellowship and delicious meals. The highlights of it all is a visit to Majete Wildlife Reserve where we viewed wild animals. To some members it was their first time to see elephants, zebras etc.

It was a wonderful experience. We have become a big family doing things together and the spirit of God is ever present at this site. 

We wish you all a wonderful Feast wherever you are around the world!! 

Gracious Mpilangwe
Feast Coordinator, Blantyre, Malawi


Osoyoos Lake in British Columbia, Canada

Feast greetings from 235 of your brethren who are enjoying a physical and spiritual Feast along the shore of Osoyoos Lake in British Columbia, Canada. Warm, sunny weather and a mountainous backdrop with vineyards and orchards provide a Millennial setting for the Feast. Outdoor activities, food and fellowship compliment the spiritual bounty we are receiving. We express great appreciation to God and join with you in this celebration of His Kingdom on earth.

John Elliott
Festival Coordinator


UCG Feast in Bend-Redmond Oregon

Greetings from around 500 members of your family celebrating the Feast here in Central Oregon.  The weather has been wonderful with warm days and crisp nights.  The colors on the trees are spectacular and we are enjoying wonderful messages and each other's company. 

Happy Feast To Everyone! 

From Jeff Richards
Festival Coordinator


Festival Greetings - Drumheller, Alberta

We thank those who have sent us festival greetings. They are being read.

We also, 122 strong, send our greetings to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ from Drumheller, Alberta -- a small town with big dinosaurs on display at the local museum. We are blessed with a lovely meeting facility and strong camaraderie among the brethren. God’s spirit is evident.

Rejoicing together with you all as we tabernacle with our Great and Awesome God.

Rainer Salomaa
Festival Coordinator


Greetings from Glacier Country

Warm Feast greetings to all our brothers and sisters around the world from 368 brethren in beautiful Glacier Country Montana. We've enjoyed encouraging, edifying messages and lots of fellowship over meals and at the activities. Wishing you all a meaningful and spiritually fulfilling Feast!

Dan Deininger
Festival Coordinator


Festival Greetings from Midland, Ontario, Canada

Greetings from Midland, Ontario!

The weather and countryside have been beautiful with a distinct autumn feel.   High attendance so far was on the first holy day with 162 seats occupied.  The messages and special music have been encouraging and inspiring.   Enthusiasm is high and appreciation is strong.  We extend "best feast ever" wishes to our fellow feast-goers all around the world!

Anthony Wasilkoff
Festival Coordinator


UCG FOT Greetings from Cincinnati, OH

Greetings from God's Feast in Cincinnati, OH! Attendance on the first Holy Day was 360, and the site has been overtaken with feastgoers rejoicing together day and night since we began. We have heard inspiring messages as we all seek to better comprehend God's faithfulness in bringing His Kingdom of peace to the earth. We send our love to the brethren celebrating God's festival around the world.

Steven Britt
Festival Coordinator: Cincinnati, OH


Warmest of greetings from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

As they say here, Feliz Fiesta, or in English, Have a Happy Feast!

There are 650 brethren from seven countries around the world in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The days have been sunny and all activities have been carried out. Tropical storm Rosa was headed this way yesterday but it took a sudden turn north and is now headed for Baja California. We praise and honor God for His protection. There is a palpable spirit of unity as all the brethren are housing in the same hotel and being exclusive for us and the all-included amenities make us look forward to the time when the kingdom of God will also be all-inclusive to the entire world!

Feast coordinator,
Mario Seiglie


Suriname, South America

Very warm greetings from 38 brethren enjoying God's Feast of Tabernacles (Loofhutten Feest) in the beautiful country of Suriname!

Our American brethren are really enjoying their first experience of Suriname and all its diversity. 

Food, both physical and spiritual have been beyond our expectations! The weather has been very warm, but occasional rains and the breeze from the Suriname river bring cooler evenings.

A tour to the city of Paramaribo and Joden Savanah (Jewish Ruins) were enjoyed by all.

God has blessed us with much favor as we rejoice in the truth about the time these days picture.

Stan Braumuller
Assistant Festival Coordinator