United Church of God

Glacier Country On-site Meal REGISTRATION for Glacier Bible Camp Dining Hall NOW AVAILABLE

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Glacier Country On-site Meal REGISTRATION for Glacier Bible Camp Dining Hall NOW AVAILABLE




Glacier Country On-site Meal REGISTRATION for Glacier Bible Camp Dining Hall NOW AVAILABLE


You can now register for Feast meals in the Glacier Bible Camp Dining Hall!  The link is http://ucg-mt.org/glacier-fot-2018-meal-registartion/   The meals in the dining hall are a wonderful opportunity to fellowship and get to know your spiritual brothers and sisters from all around the United States and a few foreign countries.  Anyone attending the Glacier Country Feast - whether staying on-site at Glacier Bible Camp or off-site is welcome to have meals in the Dining Hall. 

Meal registration is open until Sunday, September 9th. We need to give the camp the numbers of people for each meal so they can order food in advance of the Feast.

As a special bonus this year, anyone staying off-site (ie whose accommodations are not at Glacier Bible Camp) who has at least one meal a day in the dining hall will have the Camp Day Use Fee of $2.50 person per day waived.  This is like giving you a $2.50 discount on one meal per day if staying off-site.  

Adult Meals prices are as follows:

  • Hot Breakfast & Fruit bar $6
  • Continental Breakfast & Fruit bar $4
  • Lunch $7
  • Dinner $8

Children ages 5-12 are half price, Children 0-4 are free.

The registration also allows you to specify Gluten Free and/or Reduced Sugar meals.

The On-site Meal registration is also where you will register to attend the Ladies Tea on Friday, September 28th and the Senior Luncheon on Sunday, September 30th.

To see the full menu for all meals, please click on the text "Downloads" on the upper right corner of this page.

After you register, you will be emailed a copy of the meals you signed up for. We suggest you print a copy of that email and bring it to the Feast.  The copy will also have the total amount due for your meals.

Tickets will be available at the Business Office at the Feast.

Also, IF you would like to send a payment for your meals before arriving at the Feast, please make the check payable to UCG-Kalispell.

Send payments to  UCG-Kalispell, 736 Birch St., Helena, MT 59601.

NOTE: If you are staying on-site and would like to combine your housing payment and meal payment you are welcome to do so.  Please make sure we receive your payment before Atonement - September 19, 2018. Otherwise bring your payments to the Feast.  We will accept cash or checks - sorry, we are not equiped to accept credit or debit cards.

See you soon!

Dan Deininger
Festival Coordinator