United Church of God

Seminar / Helping the Hurting: Translating Good Intentions into Meaningful Actions

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A United Church of God Feast of Tabernacles site

Seminar / Helping the Hurting: Translating Good Intentions into Meaningful Actions


I hope everyone will seriously consider attending this seminar.  It is for God's people serving now and in the millennium.

Please register for this seminar by sending me an email at CRMelear@gmail.com.  Let me know if you attending and if you want a light lunch.

Seminar / Helping the Hurting: Translating Good Intentions into Meaningful Actions

In a world experiencing so much pain, suffering, and turmoil, our friends & family need comfort now more than ever before- but how can we best give it to them? Have you ever been in a situation where you have wanted to help someone through loss, sickness, or trials of any kind, but not known what to do or how to best show your love? Through this interactive lecture and discussion, we hope to share some insights, stories, and strategies for how to help those who are hurting in your life in the most meaningful way you can.

Gary Antion and Samantha Cook

Samantha Cook - is a 23 year-old graduate of Centre College (as of 2 weeks ago) and a third generation member of God's church. Samantha is the incoming chair for the Best Buddies Young Leaders Council, which works to advocate for individuals with disabilities through friendship programs, integrated employment, and leadership development and is the Communications Director for the Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta in Cincinnati. As the oldest of 4 grandchildren on the Antion side, Samantha has always had a special relationship with her Giddo (granddad, Mr. Antion) and is honored to have the opportunity to present alongside him. 

Gary Antion – is a Marriage and Family Therapist licensed in Ohio and a member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists.  He is an ordained elder and former ABC Coordinator and Ambassador University Associate Professor for over 53 years. He is currently retired and does volunteer teaching and limited counseling in the Cincinnati area. He is teaming with his granddaughter Samantha Cook to bring this important topic to you.

Tuesday, September 25 in Burgess Creek