United Church of God

UPDATE: Aug, 6th, 2020

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A United Church of God Feast of Tabernacles site

UPDATE: Aug, 6th, 2020


There have been some changes to our plans, but we are excited to go forward with the Feast of Tabernacles in Lancaster, PA!

Due to mandated limits on indoor gatherings, we will not be able to provide regular worship services as a single large group. However, we plan to hold a local service each day that will be webcast live to several small group meeting rooms at the Wyndham so that brethren can sing and fellowship together (25 or less per room). Since we may not be able to accommodate everyone for indoor services, priority will be given to those with special needs – those desiring to meet this way will have an opportunity to RSVP, and seating will be assigned for each family.

Subject to weather conditions, we also plan to provide an outdoor service option for a larger group (up to 250). Other outdoor activities planned throughout the week include family day at a local adventure farm, an outdoor socially-distanced line dance, and picnic fellowship opportunities.

Housing, Restaurants and Attractions

Members traveling to Lancaster for the Feast will be able to keep existing housing arrangements or make new ones with the same group discounts listed at https://www.ucg.org/members/feast/sites/2020/lancaster-pennsylvania/housing.

Restaurants in PA are open for both indoor and outdoor dining, and a list of attractions open in the area is maintained at https://lancasterpa.com/now-open/.

Face Coverings 

In keeping with Pennsylvania’s government orders, we ask that face coverings be worn at all times for indoor services. For outdoor services, we ask that a face covering be worn except when seated for services. Face coverings may be removed while seated for outdoor services if desired, but must be worn while singing.

Pennsylvania’s guidelines for face coverings can be found at https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Guidance/Universal-Masking-FAQ.aspx.

Out-of-State Travelers

Presently, anyone traveling to PA from states with high numbers of COVID-19 cases are recommended to self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival. At this time, this is not a requirement but a recommendation; however, please use your best judgment based on the COVID levels in your area and your personal level of exposure as the Feast approaches. An up-to-date list of states that this recommendation applies to can be found at the link below, but it may change substantially between now and the Feast: https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Travelers.aspx.

Please update your registration at this time if your feast plans have changed.

In the coming weeks, a survey will be sent out regarding your plans to attend services, activities and more – this is very important for our planning purposes! More information will also be posted to the Lancaster Feast website as it becomes available.

Our goal as coordinators under these unique circumstances is to assist everyone in fulfilling God’s two primary commands for the Feast of Tabernacles: joining together in worship and rejoicing before the LORD!

Come to Lancaster and rejoice together with us in this unique, peaceful, and family oriented location. We are excited to come together to keep God’s Feast and look forward to seeing you there!

Steven Britt & Lewis VanAusdle
2020 Festival Coordinators for the Feast of Tabernacles - Lancaster, PA