United Church of God

Glacier Country On-site Meal Registration Closing After Feast of Trumpets

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A United Church of God Feast of Tabernacles site

Glacier Country On-site Meal Registration Closing After Feast of Trumpets


If you want to have meals in the Camp Dining Hall, registration will be closing on Monday night, September 26th (Feast of Trumpets).  We need to turn our order in Tuesday so the camp can order the appropriate amount of food.   Anyone attending the Glacier Country Feast site may purchase meals in the Camp dining hall - whether staying on or Off Site. We would certainly encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity for fellowship and enjoy a good meal in the Dining Hall.

Favorite meals include the Dinner on the first holy day, lunch and dinner on the Family Day (Tuesday the 11th). the Ladies Tea, the Senior Luncheon, and the Roast beef dinner served between services on the 8th Day of the Feast.

Please register for meals at www.FeastOfTabernaclesMontana.com.  Meals can be paid for when you arrive at the Feast and check in.