United Church of God


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A United Church of God Feast of Tabernacles site




We all have a personal responsibility toward each other when we attend this festival of God. Covid is still present even though not as prevalent as the last few years. This places an obligation on all of us to assess our personal health situation and consider our love for our brethren when determining whether or not to come to services. If we are feeling ill or think we might be coming down with something, please refrain from coming to services.


We have adequate seating for everyone and we are keeping the number of reserved seats to a minimum. Please find comfortable seating in the open seating areas and respect any reserved areas. Thank you for your cooperation. Please do not take food or beverages into the auditorium.  Limited fragrance-free seating will be available in the balcony. Please ask an usher for directions to the balcony entrance.

Generally, there should not be a need to arrive before 9:30 AM to save seating. Unless you have official duties in the auditorium, please remain in the lobby or outside until the auditorium is open around 9:30 AM. Please plan to keep our voices very low in the lobby prior to services, as we are conducting teen and youth classes upstairs in the Mezzanine.

After morning services, we need to vacate the facility by 1:30 PM. On afternoons, we need to vacate the facility by 5:30 PM.

Your assistance is requested to look around your seating area before leaving for any personal belongings and also please pick up any litter.



We do not have access to the building on Sunday morning because of other obligations by the facility. We can all rest up and look forward to afternoon services on that day.

We are planning Youth Education classes in the mezzanine above the lobby prior to services at 1:30-2:15PM. Following services, the choir has a scheduled rehearsal for around an hour.