2017 Feast of Tabernacles
Jekyll Island, Georgia
Many of the attendees this year had stories from the days when the Jekyll Feast had one of the largest tents most had ever seen. Those days are only memories, but the Jekyll convention center was a marvelous venue for this year’s Feast. Jekyll Island has changed in many ways, but the old charm is still evident for all to see once one enters the island gates.
Just over 530 kept the Feast in Jekyll this year, and we were once again welcomed by excellent weather. The only small complaint was that it was actually unseasonably hot, but the attendees were glad to take the heat over the predicted inclement weather.
The messages at this year’s Feast once again pointed us to the coming Kingdom of God to earth and the focus of God’s plan for mankind. The high attendance was 534, and the joy of fellowshipping together made this another wonderful Feast. Those attending were excited that the Kubiks were able to attend the last four days in Jekyll.
Other than excellent sermonettes and sermons, we had the following activities: a teen miniature golf outing, a singles dinner, a golf scramble, and a family day with a barbecue lunch. We also had a service project for the Glynn Community Crisis Center, in which numerous items were donated for the center. In fact, five van loads of supplies were provided, and the director was near tears of joy for the fine donation from our members.
As always one of the highlights was the senior luncheon in which we honored those seniors who, in many cases, have served in the congregations for decades.
We were truly blessed again this year with protection, inspiration and amazing opportunities for fellowship. We hope many more will be able to enjoy the Feast experience of Jekyll Island in coming years.