United Church of God

2017 Feast of Tabernacles: Lake Junaluska, North Carolina, U.S.A.

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2017 Feast of Tabernacles

Lake Junaluska, North Carolina, U.S.A.

Members attending in person were joined daily by those who participated via the webcast. These included fellow brethren at the satellite sites of Big Sandy, Texas, Tampa, Florida, and in Ottawa and Ontario, Canada, as well as others at home and in small groups who were unable to travel to the Feast.

The spiritual nutrition offered each day in educational and inspirational messages provided everyone with great encouragement, motivation and a clear vision of an exciting and positive future. The foremost theme during our delightful time together was the soon-coming Kingdom of God, visualizing 1,000 years of peace and true justice on earth under Jesus Christ’s righteous and perfect rule.

A joyful, enthusiastic spirit of love and service was fully evident throughout the Feast. Our fine and highly capable management team members and many volunteers served in youth instruction, mothers/parents room, parking and traffic, special music, ushering, special services, door greeting, technical operations and numerous other areas.

A large number of enjoyable festival events were held. These included children’s Bible instruction, children’s choir, teen/young adult choir, children’s Feast party, family dance, family movie night, senior citizen luncheon, singles meet-and-greet, teen meet-and-greet, teen athletic activity, young adult Bible study, young adult meet-and-greet and an elders meet-and-greet.

Brethren contributed generously to our “Family Helping Family” fund, which made it possible to help brethren attend our various events and to support events that many members had the opportunity to attend. Additionally, a huge number of greeting cards, signed by the attendees, were sent to members who were unable to attend the Feast this year.

We all had an outstanding time and now look forward to that amazing period when all people will experience genuine peace, harmony and joyfulness—pictured marvelously by God’s wonderful Feast of Tabernacles!