United Church of God

2017 Feast of Tabernacles: Panajachel, Guatemala

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2017 Feast of Tabernacles

Panajachel, Guatemala

On Thursday, Oct. 5, there were five baptisms. A minister from Denver, Colorado, Hansel New and his lovely family, visited this year. There were also brethren visiting us from Canada, United States, Mexico, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama and Guatemala. We had 223 people attend the Feast here.

There were in total 11 services, 11 activities and 24 special music performances with different choirs of children, youths and adults. It was a very edifying Feast with messages explaining the future establishment of the Kingdom of God to provide mankind with the true values of love, justice and mercy. We are sure God was honored through every one of the activities, because we could experience His blessings in the harmony and unity felt among the brethren.