United Church of God

2017 Feast of Tabernacles: Winneba, Ghana, Africa

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2017 Feast of Tabernacles

Winneba, Ghana, Africa

All services were in English and Fante, the local dialect. Average attendance was a little over 200, with a high of 266.

Some members stayed at the Windy Lodge, which is about six minutes from the Feast site. The rest of the members were able to stay in tents and use facilities at the Feast site. Services were held in an open-air structure at the Ghatehkrom Motel.

Activities for the Feast included: a couples dinner, soccer games, beach party and a tour of the Apostle Safo Suaye Technology Center. The Kantanka car is made here. One model is handmade, and they make about four a year. They also produce televisions, fire alarms and incubators. Many of the components are made of wood. 

A favorite activity was the beach party with a variety of games, including tug of war and an egg race. No one wanted to leave since they were having such a good time together.

The Feast site had a very millennial setting, peaceful and family oriented. Messages included subjects of our future hope, staying alert, following Christ’s example, striving for righteousness and stepping out of our comfort zone. We all left with a renewed zeal to endure to the end and pray “thy Kingdom come.”