United Church of God

2018 Feast of Tabernacles: Baguio City, Philippines

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2018 Feast of Tabernacles

Baguio City, Philippines

It was held at the “Ang Ating Tahanan” grounds of the Girl Scout of the Philippines, located at the South Drive in Baguio City. Since 2012 we have been privileged to use their multi-purpose hall.

The Feast started out with the opening night welcoming service that was highlighted by the video message from Victor Kubik, welcoming brethren all around the world to this year’s Feast of Tabernacles. The highest attendance we had during this Feast was 148 on the seventh day of the Feast. We also have had a number of brethren from the U.S.A. and Australia who kept and enjoyed the Feast with us this year.

The messages were all uplifting, inspiring, encouraging and helpful to all of us in having a sharper focus on the reality of the establishment of God’s Kingdom, with everlasting peace, true happiness and spiritually abundant living.

We were privileged to have our regional pastor for the Philippines with us for the second half of the Feast, David and Denise Dobson. They spent and shared their first half of the Feast with our brethren in Leyte at the Baybayon ni Agalon in Albuera.

Various activities were all likewise prepared and enjoyed both by the young and the once-young alike as well as the whole family, where everyone had the opportunity to enjoy fun, food, fellowship and games. Among the activities everyone looked forward to and enjoyed were the youth day activities for the pre-teens and teens, the seniors’ dinner hosted by our teens and young adults, and the family day activities.

The Festival Show this year was held on the evening of the sixth day. The Festival Show featured all Filipino local festive songs and dances. Featured among others were Filipino songs both in the local as well as in the English language. Locally popular music and novelty song numbers from the 70s, as well as classical folk songs and dances, (which always included the famous local folk dance called the “Tinikling”) made the evening memorable.

With the awe-inspiring messages, the warm fellowship, everyone present had once again felt they were very blessed by our great God, coming away with a deeper level of spiritual understanding of joy, unity, love and togetherness. We all look forward to God’s coming Kingdom with the celebration of this year’s Feast. This year’s Feast of Tabernacles will hopefully be remembered as one of the most joyful and spiritually fruitful Feasts ever.