United Church of God

2018 Feast of Tabernacles: Snowshoe, West Virginia

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2018 Feast of Tabernacles

Snowshoe, West Virginia

This is our first time back to Snowshoe in eight years, and this is a wonderful feast site for individuals looking for a semi-secluded location.

Registration showed a diverse mixture of people in all age categories. We had 78 seniors, 87 children, 57 teenagers and 98 young adults in addition to all of the other adults registered to attend. Services were held in the expo center (also called the Big Top) and was just the right size for our attendance this year, with enough seating for everyone, plus plenty of room to walk around and fellowship. There was certainly room for more people if needed, but we enjoyed the extra space to move about before and after services.

The Feast started out with foggy weather, which was actually clouds passing over the mountaintop. This made for some interesting photographs of brethren walking through the clouds on the brick-paved streets of the village. The skies cleared and the sun came out for the last half of the Feast, making the views of the surrounding mountains and valleys awe-inspiring. It was breathtaking to see the beauty of God’s creation in this part of the world.

There were quite a few activities available on the mountain, including zip-lining, mountain biking, off-road Segway rentals, ATV rentals, paddle boating, canoeing, as well as beautiful views on the two ski lifts.

All of the messages were inspirational and focused on what it will be like during the period of the Millennium and the Eighth Day. This year we had two general Bible studies, one titled “Ark of the Covenant” on Tuesday evening and the other titled “Keeping a Holy Convocation” on Friday evening.

The special music was amazing, exceeding all expectations. We were blessed to have a large adult choir, a teen and young adult choir, a children’s choir and also a 15-piece instrumental ensemble that accompanied hymns as well as performed special music.

The atmosphere and cooperation of all the brethren at this site was truly inspiring and uplifting. Everyone seemed ready for services to begin every day and then ready to relax, walk around the village and visit with one another during the afternoon and evenings.