United Church of God

2019 Feast of Tabernacles: Oceanside, California

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2019 Feast of Tabernacles

Oceanside, California

Those attending Oceanside were able to partake of our standard church services plus a special night activity of welcoming in the Sabbath with a hymn-sing, accompanied by an interactive Bible study presented by Robin Webber discussing the three elements of Micah 6:8 that center on justice, mercy and humility. There were also a couple of festival class sessions for younger children, as well as interactive teen and young adult studies.

The seniors’ banquet, which is always a festival highlight, was attended by 138 “seasoned citizens” and ministerial couples who were greeted by a setting framed with balloons with the exhilarating theme of “Up, Up and Away” which was poignant considering our understanding of a hope-filled future. The young faces and bright smiles of the teen and young adult servers added to the already positive environment.

Afterwards the seniors were joined by others for a two-part session hosted by Mr. Paul Moody, regional pastor for English-speaking Africa. He discussed our brethren in Ghana and Nigeria. He also shared specific insights as to how Africa has personally molded him. Friday was family day at the nearby Felicita Park, where the shade of oak trees provided a beautiful canopy for fellowship. The Redlands members hosted the event this year with barbeque foods and peach cobbler with all the toppings. The young children and young-at-heart provided organized games and bouncer equipment.

The overriding theme of the Eighth Day Festival this year was to encourage us that “no one is forgotten” by our Heavenly Father and Christ. In the afternoon we were reminded and encouraged by the fact that God is calling us to a “Fellowship of Eternity” that has begun now in our lives. After the final Eighth Day message, Ingrid Helge sang “The New Jerusalem” by Michael Card with the congregation rising and joining in on the chorus as powerpoint pictures of the Heavenly Jerusalem and the starry universe were displayed in the background.

Oceanside attendees were also able to enjoy the nearby sites of the La Jolla and Del Mar coastlines, Oceanside Harbor, the San Diego Zoo and Balboa Park, as well as Sea World on Mission Bay, Old Town San Diego and nearby Lego-land. Many simply settled for “down-time” with family and brethren, resting on the warm sandy beaches as temperatures ranged from 72 to 80 degrees.

Most importantly, the entire membership of all ages came prepared to be fully engaged in a spiritual feast. During this time, four people were baptized in the ocean as family and friends came out to support them. We plan to use the QLN Center in Oceanside again next year.