United Church of God

2019 Feast of Tabernacles: Olmué, Chile

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2019 Feast of Tabernacles

Olmué, Chile

As in past years, there were a number of activities offered for different age groups. We had a children’s party with 13 attending and the youth had a barbecue and dance. We also had a family dance, a tea for seniors and the traditional Talent Night with a dinner prepared by members of the Spokesman’s Club. There was also a nice excursion to a nearby mountaintop with a hot-air balloon ride. Messages focused mostly on the coming Kingdom of God.

I was also able to travel to the state of Misiones in northern Argentina, where the brethren observed the Feast of Tabernacles in two areas. We met with a group of 59 brethren in the first site, Campo Viera. We held a barbecue there after services on the Sabbath, and the next morning visited the second Feast site in Ameghino, with 19 brethren present. We had morning services and a potluck afterward.

As always, time flew quickly but in the end, there was a feeling that we had enjoyed—despite some social unrest in Chile—the best Feast of our lives.