United Church of God

2020 Feast of Tabernacles: Venise-en-Québec

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2020 Feast of Tabernacles


The temperature was clement and the tree colors astounding. Each day we were able to gather in the common rooms to get precious spiritual and physical nourishment. People had eight days to get to know each other respectfully and joyfully as we shared hopes and dreams about the Kingdom of God. We had an average attendance of 25 plus 6-8 other persons being present by video conference every day.

Different people prepared meals for each of the days of the Feast. Attendees contributed by preparing dishes, giving a financial contribution and/or cleaning up while applying the best  hygienic measures. We fellowshipped in the different living rooms, in the big dining room or in our condos. We also had a barbecue on the terraces.

Some of the members decided to help a recently arrived brother from Africa get ready for the coming winter by buying him appropriate winter clothes. We felt a spirit of generosity throughout the Feast.

We had a good variety of speakers touching on different past, present and future elements of the Feast of Tabernacles. We shared two days of video conferences with the Roquebrune-sur-Argens Feast site in France. Every day we had connections with brethren in Africa and those who stayed home in Québec. 

Mr. Kubik’s message on the Kingdom had a French-translation voiceover by Maryse Pebworth so everyone could understand the message. 

We alternated services; one day in the morning, the next in the afternoon. There was also a Bible study on Tuesday evening. One highlight was the miniature tabernacle on display in the main meeting hall. For activities, family members played pool, golf, social games, walked in nature and viewed a family movie.

These times of refreshment were deeply appreciated by our brothers and sisters, thanks to our marvelous Father.