United Church of God

ABC Class of 2011 Graduates

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ABC Class of 2011 Graduates

Many of the 24 graduates are now on their way home or packing to depart from Cincinnati. And what a year it has been!

The final week was filled with activities. The General Conference of Elders members were in Cincinnati for the Sabbath of May 14. That evening, the entertainment for the elders was put on by the ABC Class of 2011. They performed several of the numbers from the Charity Auction and the chorale completed the evening with two of the songs that they sang in seven different church areas this year. At the conclusion of the evening, Brent Martin, the MC, asked if anyone wished to contribute to the Zimbabwe Education Fund. The fund was supported earlier by the ABC charity auction. To our pleasant surprise, the elders donated over $780, bringing the total amount for the Charity event to over $6,000.

Sunday was an opportunity for students to view the General Conference of Elders as they conducted their business and had various reports. On Monday, several of the students spent one final activity day together at King’s Island. Tuesday through Thursday were the final days of classes. On Thursday, instructors Stiver, Myers and Antion bid the student a short farewell in messages at student assembly and presented them with commemorative pins, pendants, pictorials and ABC mugs. That evening was the senior dinner-dance at the Italian restaurant Maggiano’s. There the students enjoyed family-style meals with one another, all decked out in prom dresses and suits. Several faculty members were able to attend and gifts were presented to the student leaders, chorale members and to the resident faculty members. The evening was a huge success with dancing to music provided by our very own DJs Mike Ball and Zach Hoover.

Friday was set aside for the ABC chorale to record its program for the students to have as a memento. Friday afternoon was rehearsal for graduation. Sabbath was the day for the baccalaureate sermon by Mr. Steve Myers. He was preceded by the Chorale doing its final full performance of the year during sermonette time in Cincinnati East. Mr. Myers followed with his sermon on Salt. He brought out several examples of how salt was used and how we need to have those same characteristics or qualities.

Saturday evening saw a flurry of activities at the home office as Terri Eddington and Lisa Fenchel prepared the decorations for graduation day. Jorge and Kathy de Campos worked tirelessly with the aid of several alumni to prepare and decorate the hall with beautiful floral pieces.

Sunday was graduation day. Around 180 family members, friends, home office staff, instructors, alumni and the Class of 2011 gathered for the 1 p.m ceremony. Peter Eddington played “Pomp and Circumstance” through the sound system as Eileen Sharkey, the Ambassador Excellence Award Recipient for 2008, led the students in as monitor for the graduation. Gary Antion welcomed the audience as the music died down and reminded all that, “Good young people come from good parents.” Randy Stiver delivered the invocation followed by the student address by class president Brett Diggins. The chorale sang their final two numbers, and the students gave a surprise bouquet of flowers to Darlene Shoemaker, wife of chorale director Ken Shoemaker.

President Luker brought the commencement address as he urged the students to remember three important scriptures that will help them through the triumphs and challenges of life: Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 8:28; and Philippians 4:13. He expounded each and reminded the students to keep the content of those handy as they experience the ups and downs of life.

Four honor awards were given. Amber Duran and Brent Martin received the Ambassador Excellence awards as presented by Mr. Luker. Aaron Dean represented the Council of Elders and gave the Council of Elders Service Award to Sabrina Clore and Michael Roberts for their outstanding service.

The conferring of diplomas was next in the program. Steve Myers, academic dean, recommended the Class of 2011 for the Biblical Studies Diploma and Mr. Luker conferred it upon them. The students individually received their encased diplomas and walked across the stage as their names were called. After the last student’s name was called, the audience gave all the students a huge round of applause.

Frank McCrady, one of the instructors, delivered the benediction and blessing on the refreshments, and then celebrations commenced.

Beautiful and delicious cakes were awaiting us along with punch and the hugs and well-wishes to the class members.

We were very appreciative of all the assistance given by so many to help make this event such a wonderful success for the Class of 2011.

As I write this, I am a bit sad that the students will not be around anymore—having grown to appreciate and love them for nine months. But I have a sense of satisfaction in knowing they will be leaving with a better understanding of the Words of Life from the Holy Bible and the encouragement to continue to build godly character throughout their lives.

Godspeed to the Class of 2011, and may God’s blessings follow in your lives.