United Church of God

Ambassador Bible College Begins the 2020-2021 Academic Year

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Ambassador Bible College Begins the 2020-2021 Academic Year

To comply with local social distancing guidelines, the picnic was held outside. Students, faculty and staff enjoyed food, fellowship and icebreaker activities.

The next day, Monday, Aug. 24, everyone gathered for ABC orientation. This year, 20 students have entered the program ready to grow in grace, gain biblical knowledge, build godly character and embrace leadership opportunities over the course of the next nine months. Students were socially distanced as they sat in the lecture hall and wore masks when socializing during breaks. Faculty and staff gave presentations introducing the ABC program.

President Victor Kubik addressed the students on the importance of not only learning the Bible, but of using that learning to serve others. Coordinator Frank Dunkle cited Malachi 3:6, telling students that while policies and guidelines can change, institutions sometimes change, God does not change. The Word of God is timeless and changeless. That is what they came to study and even if pandemic guidelines affect how classes are presented, the eternal truths of God’s Word will continue to be the center of ABC.