United Church of God

Annual Queensland Women’s Weekend Enriching for All

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Annual Queensland Women’s Weekend Enriching for All

Thirty-eight ladies from around Australia traveled to join together for an enriching weekend of learning, laughter, fellowship and relaxation as we seek to grow in God’s way of life and become like Him.

The annual Queensland Womens Weekend was held on Nov. 11-13 at the Alexandra Parklands Conference Centeron the Sunshine Coast. The accommodation and center facilities are located in a beautiful rain forest setting, which is only a short walk from the Alexandra Headlands beach.

The theme of the weekend was summarised from John 15:1-8: “I am the true vine and you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit. Abide in Me.”

First Evening

We started off the first evening by finding our cabins and then enjoying a relaxed and friendly dinner to begin the Sabbath. We then assembled together in one of the rooms that was allocated to us in the conference center and Jenny Bradford welcomed all the ladies to the weekend. Debbie Efimov led an interactive getting to know each otherSabbath activity where we split into groups and played Bible Pictionary using scenarios from the Bible.


On the Sabbath, other visitors joined us for a church service led by Allan Hambleton. Mr. Hambleton’s sermon was about the fruits of our speech and how we can best use our words in our communication with one another. After lunch, the emcee, Fiona Schipke, introduced each speaker with a special gift she had prepared for them. Mrs. Schipke had spoken to the husband of each speaker and relayed the lovely descriptions the husbands had given of their wonderful wives. It was a heart-warming introduction to each lady who spoke.

Mrs. Bradford began the afternoon by discussing the theme of the weekend taken from John 15:1-8.

Mrs. Bradford spoke about how we should be allowing God to produce His fruit in us. As we were shown, there can be good fruit produced and also bad fruit. We must be yielded to Christ to produce the good fruits of the Spirit.

The theme continued throughout each speaker’s presentation.

Personal Presentations

Bernadette Marozza presented “Growth Through Trials” where she relayed her own personal experiences. Her emotional and touching speech brought many tears as well as smiles and we all appreciated the strength she had to share this with us. Kim Chick then spoke about “The Lord’s Prayer—A Womans View”and spoke of her personal trials in relation to her prayer life. Many women commented how they found this very helpful as she helped us relate to her. The next presentation, by Janine Lucassen, was on “Martha and Mary”(Luke 10:38- 42). Mrs. Lucassen presented a unique way of looking at the individual roles of Martha and Mary through a poem.

After dinner, Jenean Rivers ran a craft and stress relieving session where she showed us alternative nose breathing techniques which help provide a calming effect on our mind and body, before helping us make our own relaxing cold and warm packs.

Narelle Bent, Kay Barton and Debbie Efimov put out a delicious cheese and bubblyspread and we enjoyed the time to talk with one another and digest the messages of the day.


On Sunday, Anita Anastasi spoke about “Abiding in the Shepherd.” She noted that “abide in me”means to remain, to stay. Mrs. Anastasi spoke of the importance to have close fellowshipwith God and that we need God, our vine-keeper, as a constant in our life.

After a morning tea beak, Leanne Holladay led the final presentation, an interactive Bible study. We broke into groups and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to discuss various questions that Mrs. Holladay had posed for each group to study.

In closing, Mrs. Bradford thanked everyone who helped with the weekend, including Kay Barton who looked after all of the finances and Judy Nelson who made resources for each of the ladies for the weekend plus a beautiful three dimensional heart trinket to take home.

This was a wonderful weekend full of warmth, friendship, inspiring stories and strong messages. We encourage all ladies to come along next year and be a part of this very special weekend!