United Church of God

Appreciating Volunteers: Unsung Heroes: Making It Look Easy!

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Appreciating Volunteers

Unsung Heroes: Making It Look Easy!

Our Cincinnati East social committee serves us all, making every social special, fresh and fun. Every aspect is carefully planned and implemented in a smooth fashion so that the volunteers all function well together. Decorations are always unique and interesting and theme-oriented.

Those who have been on social committees in other locations instantly recognize how our local committee makes it seem so effortless to execute such a variety of socials for all ages in all seasons. If it looks easy, you know a lot of planning went into the event.

The children love the costume parties they plan year after year, with active games that are enjoyed by all ages. Certain committee members have a gift for directing the children graciously, while maintaining order with a pleasant pace from one activity to another. The whole social committee does a great job and just keeps on going with great new ideas of how to mix food, fun and fellowship!