United Church of God

Appreciating Volunteers: VCM Produced by Volunteers

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Appreciating Volunteers

VCM Produced by Volunteers

Virtual Christian Magazine (found on the Web at www.vcmagazine.org) is a volunteer publication. The staff and writers are a group of people that, for the most part, have never met. They communicate and produce the magazine completely through the Internet.

Volunteer staff members include: editors—Michelle Grovak, Gayle Hoefker, Jada Howell, Patrick Kansa, David Meidinger, Suzanne Morgan, John Rutus, Amy Stephens and Debbie Werner; reviewers—Jack Elliott, Eric Evans, Don Henson, Don Hooser and Leroy Neff; webmaster—Chris Rowland; and graphics and managing editor—Lorelei Nettles.

VCM welcomes articles from members. All submissions can be e-mailed to Lorelei Nettles through the feedback link at the site.