United Church of God

Audited Financial Statements 2020-2021

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Audited Financial Statements 2020-2021

Fiscal 2021 was another outstanding year, income-wise, for the Church, as God continues to pour His blessings out on us. Income for the year exceeded budget and prior year amounts, while expenses in this COVID-19-defined year were under budget, resulting in a sizable net income for the Church.

Notable transactions during the fiscal year 2021 include the purchase by UCGia of church buildings in the Kingsport, Tennessee; Freeland, Michigan; and Tulsa, Oklahoma, areas.

As this is written, we are just about halfway through fiscal 2022. Income and Holy Day offerings continue to exceed budget and prior year levels.

Along with the usual costs of congregational care, preaching and publishing the gospel, the Church is undertaking a complete revision of the ucg.org website. This process will take several months and is being done at significant cost, but the end result will be a more up-to-date and user-friendly website that will be a benefit to members and those seeking the truth of God.

As mentioned before, our thanks are to God and the faithful members and individuals who support His Work with the resources He has provided. Together with us at the home office, please join us in asking God to direct our paths and order our steps as we seek His will in doing every aspect of His Work.

The following audited financial statements and notes provide much detail and explanation of the Church’s financial processes, so please take the time to look the report over. Feel free to write with any questions you may have.