United Church of God

Australian Summer Camp Breaks Records

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Australian Summer Camp Breaks Records

This year's summer camp in Australia will probably be best remembered as one that broke records! We had: the highest number of campers, the coolest weather, the highest number of international visitors (from New Zealand, the United States and South Africa), the largest number of sprained ankles and the best time!

This year 67 campers and 21 staff members took part in a variety of activities—from archery to speedball and crafts to Christian Living, all campers participated with enthusiasm and camaraderie. "I've been to many camps over the years, and the concept of teams comprising boys and girls doing all activities together is an outstanding idea that I had not seen before," said first-time staff member Scott Jennings.

Bruce Dean, camp director, and his assistant camp director, Stephen Clark, both ensured that all activities ran like clockwork. From the first day to the last, campers were "run off their feet" with a real variety of things to do. In the evenings, a number of activities were offered, ranging from dancing and speeches to limerick writing and open Q&A sessions.

"I look forward to this every year. Camp is simply awesome," said Shana (rhymes with banana) Heslin.

New Zealand team leader James Moore said, "I don't have much opportunity to spend time with people in the Church; apart from the Feast of Tabernacles, summer camp is the only time I have. I look forward to it every year."

Once again, the generosity of brethren in donating funds so that campers could attend camp is deeply appreciated. Without these donations, the opportunity for campers to live, laugh and learn with their fellow teens would not have been possible.

Mr. Dean said, "This was the best camp ever. The attitudes of the campers and staff were excellent. I've waited 12 years to have a campfire and sing-along. This year we were finally able to have one!" What a great night it was—singing hymns under the stars around a roaring campfire accompanied by Rony John on guitar.

Our focus for the Christian Living classes (which were held each morning from 8:15 to 9 a.m.) was the application of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens as they related to "Seeking First the Kingdom of God." We pray that God will help our young people to remember what they were taught and bring the positive and uplifting spirit of camp back to their local church areas.

Like Shana, we're already counting down the days till next year! UN