United Church of God

Council Member Profile: Anthony Wasilkoff

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Council Member Profile

Anthony Wasilkoff

Anthony (Tony) Wasilkoff has served as an international member of the Council of Elders since 2003. This year he took his name off the ballot, so his term will end June 30.

Fellow Council members have described him as one of the most even-tempered and positive individuals—one who has been a great asset to the Council. One said his approach is always, "What can I do for the Church?"

Some have asked Mr. Wasilkoff why he didn't let his name stand for another possible term. He explained there were two reasons: practical and principle. The practical has to do with time demands due to workload. He pastors several congregations, works in the Canadian office and serves on the Canadian National Council. When he considered these duties, he felt a three-year term was doable. "Beyond that," he said, "something would have to suffer unduly."

The principle has to do with the makeup of the Council of Elders. For the Council to function optimally, he said, there needs to be both continuity and turnover. Mr. Wasilkoff professes to fall into the latter category at this point.

He said he will miss the camaraderie that exists among the Council members. He will miss serving on the various committees. During the three years he was on the Council, he "saw the number of marathon and executive sessions gradually diminish to the point where each succeeding round of meetings has become more serene, thus reflecting how the Church as a whole has become more settled and stable."

Mr. Wasilkoff related how United is very blessed to have a viable working board that serves on behalf of the GCE and the entire Church.

He appreciates "all those who have served on the Council and all those who allow their names to stand for possible selection—along with each of the presidents and all of the operation managers and the entire home office staff who work so hard to implement the policies and direction established by the Council."


Tony Wasilkoff was born in a small town in Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1948. He came into contact with the Church by listening to the World Tomorrow radio program on CFQC Saskatoon beginning in 1962. He attended Ambassador College, Pasadena campus, from 1966 to 1970.

While at college, he met his wife-to-be, Linda Eslinger, which led to their marriage in June 1971 in Monroe, Louisiana. The Wasilkoffs served in the field ministry in Louisiana and Mississippi until their transfer to southern Ontario in the summer of 1972. The Wasilkoffs have served in Canada in various pastorates in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia ever since.

Both Tony and Linda began attending with the United Church of God in the fall of 1995 in Calgary, Alberta, where a small congregation had already begun. The Wasilkoffs now reside in Mississauga, Ontario, where they serve in both the Canadian office and in several pastorates.

The Wasilkoffs' children, now grown, live in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area. The Wasilkoffs' special interest revolves around their grandchildren, Logan and Anthony, as all grandparents will understand. Although Tony and Linda enjoy going for walks, gardening and working in the yard, their principal current avocation has become grandparenting. UN