United Church of God

Council of Elders Continues Strategic Planning Process

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Council of Elders Continues Strategic Planning Process

Aug. 7 Chairman Bob Dick directed the Council in a discussion on the topic of strategic planning. This discussion was a follow-up to the brainstorming session on this topic in the Council meeting held on May 11.

Mr. Dick reminded the Council of the previous discussion. The strategic question is: "What are the biggest issues we face as an organization?" He summarized that the comments in the previous strategic planning discussion focused on four fundamental areas:

1. The internal, spiritual health of the organization.

2. Developing manpower and using existing manpower.

3. Preaching the gospel, fulfilling the commission—with passion, focus, determination, urgency, etc.

4. Relationships among Sabbatarian groups.

The Council confirmed that it still believes these are the most important strategic issues the Church faces now.

The discussion of specific strategic priorities continued, resulting in the following expansion of the first three strategic areas, with specific action items included.

1. Internal spiritual health of the organization.

Here are the issues/conditions:

• Commitment—develop a higher level.

• Not falling into the cares of the world—less materialism.

• Working in harmony, doctrinal cohesiveness.

• Doctrinal drift in real-life application—Christian living.

Suggestions for what we can do about them:

• Promotion of the achievements of the Church—express zeal, energy.

• The president and administration can convey to the ministry the issues we have talked about—what is involved in developing the spiritual health of the Church and how to do so.

• Strengthen understanding of basic doctrines in the minds of young people (which the proposed education program will be specifically tackling).

• Identify areas of doctrinal drift and suggest ways to deal with them.

• Identify areas of societal drift and suggest ways to deal with them.

• Identify ways to be a success by following God's way—promote the positive of aspects of godliness.

• Understand patterns of behavior identified in the pastors' monthly church reports to identify trends that either currently exist or are developing (the positive as well as negative).

2. Developing new manpower and utilizing existing manpower.

Here are the issues/conditions:

• Aging ministry.

• Needs in international areas.

What we are already doing about it through the ministerial development program:

• Four levels of development:

1. Basic leadership training.

2. Advanced leadership training.

3. Training pastors to "find, train, ordain."

4. Training new hires.

• In the future, provide mentoring programs for pastors to implement at multiple levels in local areas.

• Restoring honor to the office and calling of the ministry.

"Utilizing existing manpower":

• We will have more pastors entering retirement who will still have much to offer and will desire to contribute to God's work.

• Finding viable ways the "elder statesmen" can still be used in a way that will draw on their experience (e.g., mentoring).

3. Preaching the gospel, fulfilling the commission—with passion, focus, determination, urgency, etc.

• The media steering group has been formed and is already at work identifying and addressing broad principles and specific issues.

• Translate concepts from the media steering group to application in all areas of media.