United Church of God

Council OKs New Education Focus

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Council OKs New Education Focus

On Aug. 8, UCG president Clyde Kilough, Ministerial Services operation manager Jim Franks and education programs director David Register presented a new focus for education programs to the Council of Elders. The proposal was unanimously adopted by the Council.

The new education model will build upon current success of the more than 37 education programs in the Church and place emphasis on desired “outcomes.” Once outcomes are established, tools and benchmarks will be put into place to measure effectiveness.

Some of the major benefits will include: providing better allocation of resources such as avoiding duplication of effort and making better use of volunteer efforts, staff time and finances; more focus on end results and benefits; a means to unify and rally Church members around the educational efforts; and a more linear approach that allows programs to be tied together and address educational needs as members enter different ages, stages or situations in life.

One Council member commented that one outstanding difference between current and new programs will be the emphasis on connecting curriculum and ensuring that education programs are part of a building-block approach.