United Church of God

Courageous Faith

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Courageous Faith

The nightly meeting began -- ten sun-soaked, bright-but-tired eyed young men sat around the long plastic tables under the tiki hut gazebo; all eyes affixed to their counselor. The days journeys, memory scripture, and man talk proceeded on; inducing a sense of wonder I couldn't help to develop further in writing.

My young brothers and sisters in Jamaica spiritually inspired me by giving me a cultured perspective of what it means to have a relationship with God. After our nightly meeting as a men's dorm, David Rains and I organized an embracing huddle where each member of the huddle contributed to the evening's closing prayer. As the prayers circled through, I noticed something; the profound faith, heartfelt words, unending warmth and friendship that these young men had with their God. Their prayer lives nearly brought tears to my eyes. Their ability to pray to God in a manner that conveyed their heart and spirit -- and expressed a deep understanding of His love and mercy towards us -- put me in true awe, and thereafter, in reflection of my own prayer life.

Joshua 1:9 says, “Be strong and of good courage.” The campers committed this verse to memory by the end of camp, along with other verses. I wonder if any of them considered how courageous they already were, how their strength has been developed into a most mature understanding of God’s word. They do not have the same opportunities to be distracted as teens and young adults in the United States, and it appeared to me that they are more blessed for it. The strength of their prayers, their faith in God’s promises, and the hope they spoke of stood out as to me as courage not often considered -- the kind that matters most when it comes down to fighting the good fight in a world so against good fighters.

I will forever be inspired by these kids, and I look forward to working with them as part of God’s family, in His Kingdom.