United Church of God

Denver and Colorado Springs Serve at Ronald McDonald House

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Denver and Colorado Springs Serve at Ronald McDonald House

The congregations from Denver and Colorado Springs served dinner and provided musical entertainment at a Ronald McDonald House in Denver on May 23, 2012. The Ronald McDonald House charities provide low-cost housing to out-of-town families that need to be near their hospitalized children. Guests and staff voiced appreciation for the gourmet dinner organized by Anita Diltz, Connie Ashley and Mary Curry. The tantalizing aromas of barbecued chicken, homemade potato salad, cole slaw, barbecued beans and fresh strawberry shortcake filled the building. About 40 guests were also treated to musical entertainment by Sheila Wagoner (keyboard), Mary Curry (violin) and Sam Hines (guitar). Several guests joined in a spirited sing-along. They said that they really appreciated the fun time!