United Church of God

Editorial Staff Takes Tour of Hopkins Printing

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Editorial Staff Takes Tour of Hopkins Printing

On Feb. 7, Matt Hernandez, Mitch Moss and I met in Columbus, Ohio, for a tour of Hopkins Printing, which prints Compass Check magazine and the United Youth Camp magazine among other things for UCG. I had just sent the Camp Magazine file to Hopkins, and their prepress team scheduled it to be printed while we were there.

Upon our arrival, we were met in the lobby by the president of Hopkins Printing, Roy Waterhouse, who also serves as an elder in the Columbus congregation. Mr. Waterhouse gave us a tour of the facilities, walking us through the whole print process from prepress to mailing, introducing us to the team along the way. In the press room, we examined the proofs for the Camp Magazine, and once we signed off on them, production began. As sheets rolled off the press, Mr. Waterhouse explained the offset print process.

As someone who primarily works on the editing, digital layout and design of publication creation, it was helpful to see the physical manifestation of my work.

We’re thankful to Roy Waterhouse for his time and for the quality they produce for us.