United Church of God

Exciting New Development

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Exciting New Development

New Members Website

The United Church of God recently launched a major refresh to its main website, UCG.org. And now there is an exciting new change to the members website for members of the Church to find articles, local church updates, a calendar of events happening within the Church and other information pertinent to them. The new website can be found at www.ucg.org/members.

The new members site is more usable and functional for mobile devices, with a simpler and cleaner look. The Web team is always working to take advantage of the constantly shifting and changing Internet, improving the website and making it better for everyone to navigate. Everything will work together: the members site, local websites, the main UCG.org and the Beyond Today section.

The search function

The search function works better than ever on the new UCG.org and members website. Any query searches all sections of the website. There are fewer drop-down menu tabs across the top of the page, so if you cannot find something that was there before, just search for it in the search engine. Since everything works together it’s easier to find what you’re looking for.

Local congregation websites

The local congregation websites are rolled into the main UCG.org site, streamlining the look and making it easier for new and prospective members to find information on congregations near them. In the local sites, members can find updates and see a calendar of activities that pertains to their congregation.

The community tab

On each local congregation page there is a tab labeled "Community." Here, members can join a community that is just for people in their congregation—prayer requests, announcements, member-specific sermons and other information that might be sensitive in nature can be posted here with privacy so that only members who have been vetted by their pastor or the local congregation maintainer can see it.

United News

United News is now a Web-first publication—meaning that important updates, articles, calendar events, news items and other information will be published online at the members site continually, with a print edition continuing to be published bi-monthly. Check out uploaded articles in the "Latest Updates" section on the page, or go directly to www.ucg.org/united-news.

Where will sermons be?

All sermons—including those from every local congregation website—are now migrated to the new site at www.ucg.org/sermons. The updated site makes it easier to listen to on mobile devices. You can also subscribe to an RSS feed (www.ucg.org/sermons/rss) of the newest sermons uploaded.

UCG member e-mail updates

Members can now sign up for updates on the members site by following this link: www.ucg.org/email-subscribe. When you sign up you will receive an e-mail a few times a week with latest updates and articles posted to the members website (www.ucg.org/members). This update will include United Church of God member updates, announcements, events, United News content, sermons and more.

Can I Get Involved?

The Web team is always looking for more volunteers to help with posting sermons and material pertaining to their local congregation. If you would like to get involved and help out with your local congregation website, please talk with your minister about what you can do for the website.

There have been close to 300 local volunteer maintainers of the local congregation websites who have already been helping out. They have been valuable and helpful to the Web team, who could not possibly maintain all aspects of the Church's various websites without them. The Web team would like to thank all those volunteers.

There is one Body with many members, and the members website is just one of the places where they can come together. It is an exciting new development for everyone to enjoy and utilize.