United Church of God

GCE 11 Report: General Conference Chooses New Council of Elders Members

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GCE 11 Report

General Conference Chooses New Council of Elders Members

There were already two vacant seats on the Council, one of which (the international seat) is terminating this year. The General Conference elected Gary Antion to fill the other vacant seat, which will terminate in June 2013. Along with the vacant international seat, the seats on the Council held by Aaron Dean, Darris McNeely and Robin Webber were up for election. The General Conference elected Darris McNeely, Donald Ward and Robin Webber to the three U.S. seats and Bill Bradford (from Australia) to the international seat, all four of which terminate in June 2014.

Additionally, the General Conference approved two amendments to the Bylaws. Any proposed amendment that passes automatically goes into affect the very next day. One of those amendments (that prohibits any officer and operation manager from serving concurrently on the Council) required Aaron Dean and Victor Kubik to relinquish their seats the day after the elections. This left two additional seats vacant. John Elliott was the next in line and immediately took Victor Kubik’s place on the Council. That seat will terminate in June 2013. Additionally, Roc Corbett took the seat vacated by Aaron Dean, but Mr. Corbett will only serve until the end of June, at which time Donald Ward will take that seat.

The runner-up for the international seat declined to take the current vacant international seat on the Council. Therefore, per the newly approved amendment, the Council asked Bill Bradford to fill the current vacancy. He will then assume that seat on the Council which terminates in 2014.

Roy Holladay was confirmed (205 yes, 28 no votes) to serve out the rest of the term of the vacated seat he assumed in December 2010. On July 1, the Council of Elders will consist of the following elders: Gary Antion, Scott Ashley, Robert Berendt, Bill Bradford, Sr., William Eddington, John Elliott, Roy Holladay, Darris McNeely, Melvin Rhodes, Mario Seiglie, Don Ward and Robin Webber.