GCE Considers New Strategic Plan; Ballots May 18
The General Conference of Elders will ballot Sunday, May 18, on the new Strategic Plan developed by the Council of Elders through a series of special meetings this year. The ballot will also include the Operation Plan and budget developed by the administration and approved by the Council.
"It has been a dizzying six months going from concept to completion," said Council Chairman Robert Dick. He explained how the new plans flow "in a logical manner from vision and mission to strategic action steps... We expect they will be the first step in becoming more efficient, productive and accountable—all qualities we believe are important to the God we serve."
$24.5 Million Proposed Budget
The proposed budget for 2008-2009 is $24.5 million, "a modest percentage increase over the current year's likely total income," said Treasurer Jason Lovelady. While lower than the $25 million budgeted for 2007-2008, it still projects increases in actual amounts for both years.
The proposed budget includes $550,000 for financing and construction costs, funds for hiring additional media staff for the increased strategic focus on the Web, funding to hire three new field ministers, increased international subsidies to allow growth and offset the decline in the U.S. dollar and a 5 percent cost of living adjustment for U.S. personnel effective Jan. 1, 2009. (It has been three years since employees received an adjustment.)
Other ballot items include five proposed amendments to the bylaws, a resolution to rescind last year's approval to relocate the home office and four Council positions. The U.S. nominees on the ballot for three Council positions are Aaron Dean, Jim Franks, Doug Horchak, Darris McNeely, Larry Salyer and Robin Webber. The international nominees are Paul Kieffer and Leon Walker.
Annual Meeting
As of April 27, 137 elders and 98 wives had registered to attend the GCE meetings at the Kings Island Resort north of Cincinnati, Ohio. Besides the business meeting on May 18, there will be workshops on Monday covering subjects such as strategic planning, "The Spiritually Mature Congregation," "Pitfalls to Godly Wisdom" and "Planning for Loss." UN