United Church of God

Home Office Weekly Update: August 29, 2024

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Home Office Weekly Update

August 29, 2024

From Ministerial and Member Services

Encouragement, Not Worry

We live in uncertain times! World events are unfolding before our eyes, just as foretold by prophecy. Concerns abound. Job security and financial stability are on our minds. Health issues are widespread—especially when it comes to chronic illnesses and mental health challenges. Many people struggle with loneliness and maintaining healthy relationships with family and friends.

Life certainly presents so many situations that can bring apprehension and concern. Yet, God has given us His Word to offer valuable guidance for navigating this anxious world. One example is Proverbs 12:25: “Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up” (New Living Translation).

This verse highlights something that should be well known, yet we all could improve at putting into practice. We all need encouragement, especially when dealing with the challenges of this daunting world, society and our own personal struggles.

Here’s something important to do: in your family, promote the kind of “encouraging words” which Solomon described. It’s remarkable how a touch of encouragement can ignite a sense of confidence and reassurance within us. Just as a small candle lights up the darkest night, so too can our words and actions uplift those around us.

We must also remember to extend this same support and encouragement to our spiritual family. It is our God-given responsibility to edify one another with kindness and love, as instructed in Ephesians 4:29. By uplifting each other, we strengthen the bonds within the Body of Christ and build a more united spiritual family (Ephesians 4:14–16).

Jesus Christ taught that worrying achieves nothing: “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?… So don’t be worry about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time” (Matthew 6:25, 34, The Living Bible).

Christ isn’t suggesting we neglect our responsibilities. Instead, He teaches that by doing what’s right and seeking to please God, we can find living faith rather than being consumed by worry. He promises to care for us and guide us through life’s struggles. So, with confidence in God, we need not be weighed down by worry.

God also assures us that He will never allow more burdens to come upon us than we can endure. The apostle Paul reminds us: “God is faithful, and He will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13, New Revised Standard Version). This is a powerful promise given directly to you from God.

When life challenges you and you start to feel overwhelmed with worry weighing you down, turn to these passages and the countless other encouraging words from God. May His promises and loving care uplift and strengthen you, refreshing your mind (Romans 12:2).

In His service,
Steve Myers
Ministerial and Member Services

Daily Bible Reading Program Reminder

Have you been participating in the special daily Bible reading program we introduced last week? In unity, the entire Church is reading through the book of Deuteronomy.

Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity for daily Bible reading and study. The reading schedule is available by going to the ucg.org home page and clicking on the link for “Daily Bible Reading: The Book of Deuteronomy” or by clicking here: ucg.org/members/news/daily-bible-reading-the-book-of-deuteronomy. Be sure to read the chapter and commentary with your family and discuss it together (Deuteronomy 6).

Let’s take advantage of this special activity as the entire Church throughout the world reads and meditates on the same passages each day.

Leadership Workshop Weekend

We’re happy to announce we will hold our Leadership Workshop on Labor Day weekend, Aug. 30–Sept. 2, 2024, here in Cincinnati. This will be the 21st workshop!

49 members from four countries will participate in a weekend full of seminars, discussions and workshops.

The goal is to become even more dedicated disciples and to learn ways to better serve God and His people in our local congregations. We’ll report more on the weekend in next week’s Weekly Update.

Thank you for your prayers for safe travels and God’s inspiration and direction for a spiritually profitable weekend.

—Steve Myers, Ministerial and Member Services

UYC Philippines Camp Report

With the theme “Stand Strong,” the United Youth Camps (UYC) Philippines 2024 was held at Eden Nature Park in Davao City, from July 21-28. The camp drew 52 campers, 40 staff members and seven mini campers from across the Philippines, Malaysia and Canada.

Every morning, one of the six dorms would serve breakfast. Each dorm had an assigned cuisine style that included Mexican, Chinese and classic Filipino dishes.

In addition to the Christian living sessions emphasizing the “Whole Armor of God,” the camp featured competitive outdoor sports to practice teamwork and camaraderie. Team-building activities followed every afternoon, where riding the sky cycle, zipline, sky wheel and big swing put every camper to the test, leaving them with important lessons on courage and enthusiasm. The campers were also tested in their wilderness skills by trekking a 2.4-kilometer (about 1.5-mile) mountain trail and cooking “sinugba” and “sabaw” native chicken and steamed rice using only bamboo.

On Sabbath morning, the campers shared their Bible knowledge in the Bible-lympics. The tournament included questions from the Christian living lessons, testing every camper's retention and notes. Later in the afternoon, there was a congregational Sabbath service with the Davao City congregation, making the place more jubilant with fellowship and greetings.

As the sun set in the mountains, campers started preparing for the variety show that evening. Talents from every dorm were showcased culminating with a dance number that everyone performed, a product of their dance workshop.

The 2024 Philippine UYC was indeed a delightful experience for campers. The unique opportunity to gather in a scenic place, the friendships created and strengthened, and the spiritual lessons planted like mustard seeds in everyone's hearts were truly memorable. As everyone headed home, one thing was longed for—the next year’s UYC!

—Nevlim Baldelovar, camp staff/reporter

UYC Zambia Camp Report

Camp concluded this past Sunday in the Copperbelt region of Zambia after seven days spent with the theme “Stand Strong.” There were 89 campers and 31 staff who gathered to celebrate and learn God’s way in the Zone, living by God’s law. It was one of the best camps ever conducted in Zambia. Campers and staff enjoyed the activities, which included new games and new lessons.

New this year was public speaking, where campers were taught what to know and do as a public speaker. Entrepreneurship was one of the best topics presented by qualified staff in the Church. Our youth were also taught about career planning, and to help guide them in this crucial decision, campers were able to learn from a variety of qualified individuals, including teachers, nurses, an accountant/auditor, a mechanical engineer and a social worker. These staff are all members in the Church and each had the chance to explain what their career is about.

Thursday was sports and outing day, and the campers had the opportunity to travel about 62 kilometers (about 38.5 miles) from the actual camp site to a special place where a lot of activities were held, such as swimming, soccer, volleyball and much more. Five ministers who serve from all over Zambia were present during the week to minister and present Christian living lessons. Campers were given a ballcap with the UCG emblem as a gift.

It was an amazing experience for youth from all over Zambia as relationships were renewed and created. This shows how amazingly God’s way works when people are being led and guided by God’s law and His Holy Spirit. Health-wise, we thank God Almighty that He allowed us to have a sickness-free and injury-free Zone. To all the staff and the ministers who were present, we would like to say thank you so very, very much for your outstanding and amazing support. In camp we worked as a team and we conquered together, as we stand strong in the power of His might and are guided and reminded to make Him our anchor.

—Rodrick Epomba, camp director