United Church of God

Home Office Weekly Update: July 25, 2024

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Home Office Weekly Update

July 25, 2024

From the Treasurer...

UCGIA Financial Update

With the end of June marking the final month in fiscal year 2023-2024, we are encouraged to report that (unaudited figures throughout) total income has increased more than five percent year over year. This also represents just under a nine percent increase over budget for the same period measured.

Inflationary challenges continued in many expense categories this fiscal year and (as of the date of this writing) expenses, in the aggregate, exceeded annual budgeted amounts—though by less than two percent. We very much appreciate God’s blessings of increased income to cover these additional expenses.

I am again reminded of Philippians chapter 4 where the apostle Paul writes about the generosity of faithful followers in Philippi, and how pleasing it is to God (Who is ultimately the source of it). Verse 19 reads, “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever . . .”

With the mission of the Church to preach the gospel, make disciples, and care for those disciples, including the recognition of its responsibility to help those with financial needs, God continues to bless the Church with the means and opportunity to give and provide this much needed care and support.

Also, in recognition of our commitment to members outside the United States, the Church, in the form of international subsidies, provided just under $1.7 million this fiscal year to international areas. These funds are in support of their respective operations, including financial assistance to those in need.

God continues to provide the Church with all it needs. We know and trust He will see us through whatever comes our way, with an ever-changing world in which prophecy continues to unfold. We are grateful to Him, and to the members, coworkers and donors who faithfully support the Work. May we all continually seek God’s will and be faithful in submitting to it.

Until next time, if you have any questions about the finances of the Church, please feel free to contact me.

—Barry Korthuis, Treasurer

From Ministerial and Member Services . . .

Death of Bob Jones

Robert “Bob” Jones, an elder in the Jacksonville, Florida congregation, died peacefully on July 17 after battling severe infections of cellulitis and a UTI for several weeks. His son and grandson were at his side. Bob was baptized into the Church of God in 1963. After graduating from Ambassador College, he was hired by the Church and sent to train under Roger Foster in Greensboro, North Carolina.

After serving the members in that area for a year he went on to minister to many congregations and areas including Minneapolis/St. Paul and Rochester, Minnesota; St. Petersburg and Ft. Myers, Florida; Norfolk and Richmond, Virginia; and Jacksonville, Orlando and Tallahassee, Florida. He retired in Jacksonville after 35 years in the ministry.

His faithfulness, humility and country boy wit are a lasting legacy to the man he was. He was proceeded in death by his son Eric and wife of 61 years, Mary. He is survived by his son Mike and grandchildren Meghan and Connor.

Report From Camp Ironwood

From Sunday, July 14 through Wednesday, July 17, we completed our 24th year at the beautiful country setting of Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch, in southern Minnesota.

100 preteens (which included 20 plus mini dorm campers ages 5 and under), 26 teens and 53 adults enjoyed 4 days of living, playing and working together “God’s way.” God blessed the camp with His protection, as well beautiful weather (a light afternoon shower got us scurrying one day, but with no lightning in sight, some campers enjoyed their outdoor activities anyway).

This was the biggest camp we’ve had at Camp Ironwood. It was attended by preteens and teen staff from Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, North and South Dakota, Michigan, Texas, Tennessee, Ohio, Wisconsin and Washington!

One of our camp goals was to enrich the children’s lives by giving them opportunities to build relationships with other children who share common beliefs, deepen their relationship with God, and experience a variety of challenging activities. Each morning the entire camp was in camper or teen Christian living and music classes, and adult staff Bible study. Classes emphasized our camp theme “What is the Greatest Commandment”? Campers looked at the scriptures to learn what Jesus said was the greatest of all the commandments and how they can love and obey God and love their neighbors. The theme was also emphasized throughout the day in activities and in their evening wrap-up dorm time. Campers also enjoyed the new Jelly video and soon started trying to memorize all the words to Micah Gunn’s new Jelly song: “He’ll Show the Way.”

Campers experienced a variety of daily activities including zip line, horseback riding, slip-and-slide, team challenge, creek walk, field games, archery and slingshot, climbing wall, petting zoo, swimming, arts and crafts, as well as evening fun including a campfire sing-along, novelty Olympics, treasure hunt, carnival and dancing with Jelly.

Jamie Schreiber filmed many of the camp activities and made a short video which can be viewed at: Jelly Visits Camp Ironwood 2024

We are very thankful for the assistance from the Church’s home office and blessed by the service of an amazing group of camp staff, as well the many contributions and prayers from local brethren. We praise God and give thanks to Him for another successful year at Camp Ironwood!

—David Schreiber, director, Camp Ironwood

Report From Northwest Camp

At beautiful Camp Magruder on the northern Oregon coast, 118 campers and 70 staff have come together to learn more about their relationship with God, and what it takes to “Stand Strong” in today’s day and age.

This year, camp got off to a bit rougher start than normal with the flight delays across the country stranding both campers and staff, but we are now whole, with our group from Texas, and our camper from Tennessee arriving earlier this week, and camp is off to a strong start despite those delays. We really miss the two staff members, and the two campers that were unable to come to camp this year as a result of the glitch that stranded flyers nationwide, and hope we are able to see them at Northwest Camp next year.

As the days have progressed, we have studied into our Christian living theme, and the importance of standing not on our own strength, but in the power and might of God, we have addressed who and what we are standing against, and the importance of the armor that God issues us in this fight. We will learn more about the sword of the spirit, and the “good” fight that we all find ourselves in to round out the week.

Both campers and staff are enjoying a beautiful week of weather on the Oregon coast, with temperatures in the high 60s and sun all week as they undergo our activities. The Pacific Ocean and the beach feature prominently at Northwest Camp with our speed-a-way, volleyball, brother/sister dorm beach walk, and beach activities—boogie boarding and skim boarding all held at the beach, so the beautiful weather has been very appreciated. Archery, arts and crafts, dance, excellence in living, kayaking, pickleball, softball, ultimate frisbee and waterskiing have been enjoyed by all of our campers as well.

We’re so grateful to our Creator God for such a wonderful week of weather at Northwest Camp this year, and for the protections that He has provided us. Thank you for your prayers on our behalf.

—Ben Light, director, Northwest Camp

Feast of Tabernacles in Calgary, Alberta

If you haven’t already decided where to attend the Feast of Tabernacles this year, please give some thought to going to Calgary, Alberta. It is one of western Canada’s premier cities—only a short drive from the majestic Rocky Mountains. Many activities are being planned, including a special Friday evening Beyond Today TV personal appearance and a group outing to the world-renowned mountain town of Banff.

Many family activities are being planned as well, including a family dinner and dance, family day at Calgary Zoo, family indoor mini golf/bowling/laser tag and teen and young adult rock climbing. The U.S. to Canadian exchange rate is currently very favorable to the US dollar, $1 USD equals approximately $1.30 CAD.