United Church of God

Home Office Weekly Update: June 13, 2024

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Home Office Weekly Update

June 13, 2024

Teach Us to Number Our Days

Greetings brethren around the world.

Spring and warm weather have settled into America and the northern hemisphere. The days are pleasant and the sun has been shining bright here in Cincinnati. In the parts of the world where early spring crops have been planted, the time for harvesting is near.

Those who live in the southern hemisphere—in places like Australia, New Zealand, and parts of South America and Africa—may be experiencing more autumn type weather, but in your area of the world, you too know that the season of God’s “spring” Holy Days is here.

Today, Thursday, June 13, is the 47th day from the wave-sheaf offering that occurred during the Days of Unleavened Bread. Three days from now, on Sunday, June 16, is the “50th day,” the Day (or Feast) of Pentecost, a holy convocation.

The Day of Pentecost

Pentecost is rich in meaning. Doubtless you will hear much about the significance of this Holy Day as we assemble together on Pentecost. Moreover, our minds should be focused on this part of God’s plan now. As we prepare our hearts to observe this time, we should be sure to ask God to further deepen our understanding and appreciation of His plan for mankind as revealed in the Holy Days.

It is significant that God ties Pentecost to a notable event that occurred during the Days of Unleavened Bread. You will recall that Jesus Christ ascended to heaven after the resurrection, on the day of the wave-sheaf offering (Leviticus 23:11; John 20:17). He was accepted by God the Father as the first of the firstfruits (1 Corinthians 15:20).

Jesus Christ had perfectly fulfilled His mission by living a perfect life as flesh and blood, and offered Himself as “payment” for our sins. His sacrifice was accepted by the Father, and now the next step in God’s plan for mankind would begin.

God the Father calls us (John 6:44), and as we respond to His call, we accept the sacrifice of Christ, determining and purposing to follow Him wherever He leads and to do whatever He commands. We commit to “purifying ourselves” (1 John 3:3) by putting sin, weaknesses, faults and bad attitudes out of our lives and we learn and consciously choose to live God’s way. That step in our lives is pictured by the Days of Unleavened Bread.

Beginning from the wave-sheaf offering that occurs during that Feast, we are commanded to “count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath” and observe the Feast of Pentecost (Leviticus 23:16).

There is much that is symbolized in our Pentecost observance and a very important aspect we should consider is the “counting” of the days.

Numbering our days

God gives us the greatest opportunity any human being could be afforded when He calls us into His family, puts His Holy Spirit in us, and for the rest of our physical lives trains us, prepares us, lovingly corrects us and molds us (as we allow Him to) into who He wants us to become. We are being prepared to serve with and under His Son, Jesus Christ for eternity.

For God to give us the promise of eternal life, we must endure to the end, always yielded to Him and His will, always committed to overcoming the world, ourselves, our carnal human nature, and the pride and lust of life.

We have a limited number of days in this physical life. We realize that. None of us know when the days of our lives will end. Only God knows.

Knowing that our days are “numbered,” we’re reminded of Psalm 90:12: “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (emphasis added).

As we count those 50 days to Pentecost, we are reminded of our mortality, and we understand and appreciate God’s admonitions to redeem the time, wake up, and have that sense of urgency recognizing the day of our “salvation is nearer than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11).

Have we asked God to teach us to number our days as He instructs? Are we truly using the time God gives us to become like Him? Will we accomplish the calling and purpose for which He has called us, like Jesus Christ fulfilled the purpose for which He came to earth? Are we willing to strive to become the humble, united body He desires us to be? He does give us all we need. The rest is up to us and how we choose to live our lives.

As we prepare our hearts and minds to observe Pentecost, let us renew and re-energize our commitment to completely yield to God and His will, striving to become “at one” with Him and each other.

Have a wonderful and meaningful Sabbath and Pentecost all around the world as His family assembles “in one accord.”

In Christian love,
Rick Shabi

From Ministerial and Member Services . . .

Death of Jenny Bradford

Jeanette Bradford, wife of pastor Bill Bradford of the congregation in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, died on June 7 due to the effects of cancer.

Jenny was born in 1943 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, and Jenny pursued her education at Methodist Ladies’ College before embarking on a nursing career. It was during this academic pursuit that she underwent profound introspection of her religious beliefs. Motivated by her strong convictions, she attended Ambassador College in Bricket Wood, England, in 1963.

Throughout life’s ups and downs, Jenny maintained unwavering faith and dedication to her family and the Church of God. She faithfully nurtured her family and provided consistent support to her husband, who served as a pastor in various locations such as Brisbane, Gold Coast, Toowoomba and Melbourne, Australia; Asheville, North Carolina; Shreveport, Louisiana; Texarkana, Arkansas; Longview, Texas; and San Francisco and Oakland, California. Her legacy of compassion and service left a lasting impact on many hearts over 58 years as a pastor’s wife. With a natural talent for creating meaningful connections, Jenny touched the lives of everyone she met, offering comfort and engaging in lively conversations.

Her steadfast commitment to honesty and faith resonated in her favorite verse from Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Above all, Jenny’s heart brimmed with love for her husband, children, grandchildren, siblings and their families, and her Church of God family. Her legacy of love and devotion is a testament to a life well-lived in service to God.

Pastoral Changes

Braden Veller, pastor of the congregations in Ocala and Fort Myers, Florida, will retire from the employed ministry on July 1. Mr. Veller has been an elder for 45 years and served in pastoral roles for the past 13 years. He will continue to serve as an elder for the congregation in St. Petersburg, Florida. We are very grateful for Mr. Veller’s dedication and hard work during his tenure as pastor and appreciate his ongoing service in the ministry of Jesus Christ.

After Braden Veller’s retirement, Doug Wendt will pastor the Ocala congregation in addition to his current assignment of Tampa and St. Petersburg, Florida. Andy Diemer will pastor the Fort Myers congregation, in addition to his continuing service as an associate pastor alongside pastor Chuck Smith for the congregations in Vero Beach and Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Pentecost Webcasts

Please note that services will not be webcast from Cincinnati on the Day of Pentecost. However, there are several ways to access Pentecost sermons at home.

  • A listing of congregations that normally webcast each week can be found at ucg.org/webcast/all. Be sure to check whether they will be webcasting on Pentecost and at what times.

  • Another resource is our online Sermon Disc Program page which has published sermons, including SDP 168, SDP 159, SDP 149 and SDP 140, each of which contains one Pentecost-related sermon. You can access them at: ucg.org/sermon-disc-program.

  • You can also select from the many sermons given on Pentecost last year. Go to the sermon search page, ucg.org/sermons/search, then choose “Advanced Options.” Enter May 28, 2023 as both the “date” and “end date.” You will be able to choose from 83 sermons!


REMINDER: Pre-Pentecost Video Message from the Chairman

The recently elected chairman of the Council of Elders, Tim Pebworth, has prepared a six-minute video for our brethren to view on YouTube in advance of the Day of Pentecost. Instead of a written letter to us all, Mr. Pebworth has decided to present a video message.

If you have not already done so, please share the link below with your member email list, and encourage them to watch the video before the Day of Pentecost. 


For those members who do not have Internet access or the capability to view this on YouTube, we recommend having someone show the video on their mobile phone to these few people before or after Sabbath services.

—Chairman’s Office

Feast Coordinators Conference

Over 30 people met for a Feast Coordinator conference via Zoom on Tuesday, June 11. Participants included coordinators from the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean along with home office staff. Rick Shabi and Steve Myers welcomed everyone with opening comments and reminders of the spiritual importance of the Feast of Tabernacles. Mr. Shabi announced that there will be an opening night video sermon and a national webcast on the weekly Sabbath during the Feast.

An updated coordinator’s manual was presented to help with the preparation and organization of the Feast of Tabernacles. Our national music coordinator, Scott Delamater, discussed the responsibilities involved with special music. He noted that at most sites, music duties will be shared between a special music coordinator and a choir director.

Treasurer Barry Korthuis discussed budgets and business managers, while Tory Trone, Lena VanAusdle and Dave PerMar entertained questions concerning running reports associated with Feast registrations.

The meeting concluded with a review of suggestions and comments from last year’s post-Feast reports and helpful ways to improve. The final session allowed interactive questions and beneficial discussion.

—Charles Melear

Report From Preteen Camp Gilmont

Year two of Camp Gilmont, located in the Piney Woods of East Texas, was a resounding success! From June 2–5, 49 preteen campers along with 26 adult and 15 teen staff enjoyed a camp experience that was abundant with God’s blessings. We had Texas-size storms come through all four days, but fortunately they came at times where we could work around them schedule-wise and they kept the weather wonderfully cool. Areas around us experienced downed trees and prolonged power outages lasting days; however, our camp only lost power for an hour one afternoon.

The UYC theme of “Stand Strong” was well-received and reinforced with the various activities. In the Christian living classes, we talked about different ways we can stand strong in God’s Way in this darkened world around us. The campers made shields with “Stand Strong” engraved on them as a reminder of what God expects from us all.

Fun activities included the swimming pool that featured a splash pad. Canoeing, sports, hiking, water games, arts and crafts, hammock circle, Bible charades, an evening campfire with s’mores and free time under the pavilion were enjoyed by all. The pavilion featured a gaga ball area, basketball, a nine square game and a carpetball table.

It is a labor of love for our adult and teen volunteers to come serve at camp. It is vital and much appreciated. We couldn’t have camp without you!

There were a lot of prayers offered both before and during camp, and God worked all things out for good. As always, camp goes by very quickly, and we’re looking forward to Camp Gilmont again next year in late July 2025!

—Jim and Laurel Moody, directors, Camp Gilmont

Youth Instruction Family Study Guide

This Family Study Guide completes our study of God’s Ten Commandments. The objective for God’s commandments is to learn how to better love God and man, which leads to a deeper relationship with God and others. You can use this study guide as a review of the key points from each commandment. Also, there are several activities covering the Ten Commandments that you may enjoy doing as a family. We hope that your family found value in the Ten Commandments series study.

Additionally at the end of the guide, there are suggested lesson activities that can be used in a classroom setting.

You can read and download this study guide at: ucg.org/members/family-study-guides/ten-commandments-review