United Church of God

Home Office Weekly Update: May 23, 2024

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Home Office Weekly Update

May 23, 2024

This Week in the Work . . .

This week in Mexico City, Mexico, the pastors from all Latin American areas plus international senior pastor Mario Seiglie, Rick Shabi, Steve Myers, Darris McNeely and their wives are engaged in a week-long meeting. It includes training sessions and much discussion time in order to assess the needs of the churches and what can be done to more effectively preach the gospel in that area of the world. Live church services in Mexico City will be webcast to members all over Mexico this coming Sabbath.

There will be a report on the conference in next week’s Update. Your prayers for God’s guidance and direction for the conference are appreciated.

From Ministerial and Member Services . . .

Death of David Payne

It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of David Payne at his daughter’s home on May 21. David, who had pastoral responsibility for United Church of God members in Ireland and the Isle of Man, and had been a long-serving member of the UCG-British Isles National Council, was a much-loved father and grandfather. His training was as a silviculturist, and he spent most of his life working in forestry. He also had a great love for music, and made and restored violins and harps to ensure that children had good quality and affordable instruments to play.

David’s family, Dave and Laura (Payne) Rowles, and his grandchildren Cara and Callan, wish to thank the many brethren in God’s Church around the world for their prayers, cards and words of encouragement during the time David was ill. Please continue to pray for the strength and the comfort that only God's Spirit can provide to help them through this difficult time. David is also survived by his elder brother Roger and sister-in-law Maureen.

Death of Tim McMaster

Tim McMaster, age 66, an elder of God’s Church serving in the Colorado congregations, died suddenly on Friday, May 17. Tim’s wife and friend, Pam, found him in his favorite chair and it appears that he passed away peacefully in his sleep of a heart attack. This comes as a sudden shock as Tim did not appear to have any health issues. It is difficult to imagine losing a man so suddenly who embodied such faith and strength. We will sorely miss his wisdom, love, and service.

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper” (Psalm 1:1-3).

We ask that you pray to our Heavenly Father, that He will pour out His peace and healing upon Pam and their entire extended family as they seek to navigate the path forward.

Pray for the Gospel to Have Free Course

Continued Persecution in Bangladesh

Your earnest prayers and the prayers of the brethren are requested once again for our brethren in Bangladesh.

Several months ago, the local Hindu religious leaders stirred up a mob that attacked and beat two prospective members attending our UCG group meetings. They forced one man and his family out of the village in hopes that they would silence our small group of about 18 persons meeting together. The violent mob at that time was controlled upon the arrival of the local police.

After prayers from brethren worldwide, peace was restored and relationships between the UCG group and the Hindu villagers was improving. The Good Works program assisted with the building of a well which was completed during the dry season in Bangladesh when all other wells had run dry. The well water was made available to all villagers and many Hindus were grateful to be able to get fresh water.

Unfortunately, the kindness shown by the UCG group to all villagers stirred up jealously among the Hindu religious leaders. They began to fear that some of the Hindus in the village might convert to Christianity and have now made false accusations against our members Manik and Rita Biswas. The Hindu religious leaders again gathered an angry mob and this time met in front of their home.

Manik writes:

“Last week on Tuesday, again an angry mob came and gathered in front of our home and told police officers that this is a Hindu village and they will not allow Christian activities in the village. The officers and politicians tried to stop the mob. Wednesday, they held another meeting with us to try and solve the problems. In the meeting, they did not give us any chance to talk. They just listened to the Hindus’ objections. I have become their target, as I’m leading our small group. They want to kick me out of the village.

“Even the road (in front of the well and church property) has been requested to be closed. The land for the road was donated by a Hindu who is Torun’s father. (Torun meets with us and was one they beat and threatened several months ago.) In 1962 it became a village road, but now they want to return the land to the owners so they can close the road, so that we may not have a path to enter the well or church property. Torun’s younger brother (a Hindu Temple leader) is leading the mob. We have heard that they invested a lot of money in order that the local government and politicians would talk against us. Moreover, most politicians are supporting the Hindu community for the vote bank and the local government vote is near. Again, the Hindu leaders threatened me that at any time they would beat me.

“Next Friday they will close the road and officers will hold another meeting. But already we know that they took a bribe to take action against me and the brethren who meet with us. I don’t know how to solve the problem. We have been praying and fasting since last week that we may see God’s help and grace for this current issue.”

Manik was previously given permission from Bangladesh’s Muslim government officials and filed all the proper registration papers required to register the church and purchase land for the well, etc.

Please join us in earnest prayer for God’s intervention and for His strong and mighty hand to silence this angry mob. Also, pray for God to intervene, to protect His people according to His loving kindness, and to bring peace to the village where our faithful UCG members live. Include prayers that the road will not be closed, as well. We know God has fought many battles for His people and certainly knows how to defeat this foe. Thank you for your heartfelt petitions to our great God.

—David Schreiber, senior pastor, Bangladesh

Good Works Proposal Deadline Approaching

We’re approaching the deadline to submit your proposal for Good Works for projects for the second half of the 2024 calendar year! If you have a great idea for a project (local or abroad), please run it by your local pastor, and with his approval please submit your proposal at: forms.gle/z5KBRs48FuUFe76F6

The deadline for proposals is May 31, 2024.

Please visit goodworks.ucg.org for more information, or contact Lena VanAusdle at Lena_VanAusdle@ucg.org if you have any questions on how to get started!

Portsmouth Women’s Enrichment Weekend—Sept. 6–8

You are invited to gather with a group of women from friendly Southern Ohio for our first Women’s Enrichment Weekend, Sept. 6–8. We will be focused on friendship as well as showcasing the Appalachian region for lots of fun, fellowship, and food!

Details are available at women.ucg.org/enrichment-weekends/portsmouth-ohio-2024. We hope to see many of you there!

Gear Grinder Classic Bike Ride—Sept. 8

The Twin Cities United Church of God invites you to participate in their 2024 second annual Gear Grinder bike ride, taking place in scenic Stillwater, Minnesota on Sept. 8, 2024. Riders can choose from either a 28- or 51-mile route. There will be plenty of food and fellowship for riders and any family members there to cheer them on. For details and registration visit eventcreate.com/e/geargrinder2024.

Job Opening: Financial Services Manager

The United Church of God has announced an opening for a financial services manager. This position is responsible for the functional management and administration of corporate bank and credit accounts, related transaction processing, investment of corporate funds, cash and working capital management, accounts payable processing, and providing supervision and oversite to donations processing management and related functions.

The position supports the treasurer with monthly and annual financial statement preparation and review, as well as annual budget modeling, analytical support, and related ad hoc analyses.

As part of financial services, the position also supports a vital service role to our donors (inclusive of working directly to facilitate and process non-cash donations and other donations that require added assistance such as estate and stock donations). The position requires the ability to work in a fast paced, multi-task, technology focused and deadline-oriented environment; while exhibiting excellent written and verbal skills, and attention to detail. Ability to use a variety of software applications, including various online banking tools and services, accounting software, and MS Office software (particularly MS Excel) are all essential to effective performance.

A bachelor’s degree (B.A.) from a four-year college or institution (emphasis on or degree in accounting preferred) and 4-plus years related experience is required.

Potential employees must be baptized members (in good standing) of the United Church of God. Applicants must be biblically literate and possess a thorough working knowledge of the doctrines, beliefs and practices of the United Church of God.

To request a job application or for questions about the position, please contact human_resources@ucg.org.