United Church of God

I Have to Speak?

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I Have to Speak?

As few as we could expect raised their hands in excitement when Chuck Smith announced that each young man in the camp would give a five minute sermonette. Yes, a whole five minutes! So they bugged out -- anxiously began working -- some by the poolside, some in their dorms. The young ladies proofread, indexed to scriptures, critiqued and encouraged the gentlemen to write their sermonette. It was a picturesque and thoughtful scene as pens furiously jotted scripture, rapidly turning through their most precious Bibles.

The time came for delivery, and with little delay, the first speaker began. He spoke on love, and started, "God loves us, shouldn't we love Him? He loves us, but with everything we do, we do not show love for Him." Dayne continued in his message on how to truly show love for God, how to correct our ways and live to love God. He nailed it. Each successive message focused on a detailed and thoughtful point about running our race.

Some spoke on spiritual food, our attire, the behavior of the ladies in the congregation (a bold topic!), faith, and their experience at camp. These young men had it down! Their stage presence, vocal clarity, and most importantly their message content exhibited, again, closeness with God that only comes when we truly seek Him with our whole heart. 


I Have to Speak?