United Church of God

Indianapolis Ladies Luncheon: “Sisters in Christ”

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Indianapolis Ladies Luncheon

“Sisters in Christ”

On Sunday, Aug. 28, the ladies of the Indianapolis, Indiana, area gathered at the church hall for the 2011 Ladies Luncheon. The luncheon is an annual event for the congregation, and it is one that is always much anticipated. This year, the theme was “Sisters in Christ,” and the afternoon was truly focused on that idea.

As each attendee entered the room, she was asked to draw a number to indicate the table where she would be seated. This provided a great opportunity to mingle, as no one knew exactly who they would be sharing the meal with until they arrived. Each guest was asked to bring a favorite salad, which resulted in a delicious variety of items. The tables were beautifully decorated in cheerful, summery colors, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Included at each table were cards with conversation starters and corresponding scriptures that put the focus for the day on spiritual reflection. Questions on the cards prompted the ladies to consider topics such as how God had blessed them that day, hopes for what God has in store for their future and the difference between they see in the mirror and what God sees. Sharing their responses led to a deeper level of understanding of each other and a focus on the importance of drawing ever closer as sisters.

Marlynn Story then took everyone through a game that incorporated accounts of famous women of the Bible. The game gave the women a chance to reflect on how they can and do serve, as well as to share with each other all that they do to follow in the footsteps of these biblical examples. This inspired all to do more to serve both each other and the congregation.

After the game, the ladies drew another number to switch to a different table with different conversation cards. This allowed for even more conversation as a delicious chocolate fondue dessert was enjoyed.

It was a beautiful and inspiring day for all who attended. A special thanks to all who gave of their time and energy to provide an opportunity for the sisters in Christ of the Indianapolis area to focus on the importance of this very special relationship.