United Church of God

International News at a Glance: U.K. Leadership Training Held

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International News at a Glance

U.K. Leadership Training Held

Richard and Mary Pinelli and Lyle Welty traveled from Cincinnati, Ohio, to Manchester, England, to hold a leadership training program Aug. 24 to 29.

Forty men, their wives and a few family members met in the Hay's Conference Center, about two hours drive north of Manchester. There were members from Sweden, Holland and all parts of the United Kingdom. Peter Hawkins and his wife, Sonja, organized the five-day, 20-hour set of lectures, workshops and sermons. The classes ran from 9:30 a.m. until about 9 p.m. most evenings.

"The theme was developing our leadership at every level. The purpose of the classes was passing the baton of truth to others and developing ourselves to be better servants," said Mr. Pinelli.

"Many commented that they had never heard much of this material before," said Mr. Pinelli. "They were very warm and appreciative for all the help the home office had given them to make this possible."