United Church of God

Kilough, Franks Visit Living Church of God

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Kilough, Franks Visit Living Church of God

United Church of God leaders accept invitation to visit Living Church of God Headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, and extend a similar invitation to the leadership of the Living Church of God to visit Milford, Ohio.

The following statement was prepared in cooperation with and approval of the leadership of the United Church of God (Clyde Kilough and Jim Franks with the support of the Council of Elders) and the Living Church of God (Roderick Meredith, Dibar Apartian, Richard Ames and Douglas Winnail).

After a series of e-mail messages prior to the Feast of Tabernacles, Clyde Kilough (president of the United Church of God) and Jim Franks (operation manager for Ministerial Services, United Church of God) responded to a long-standing offer of hospitality to visit the Headquarters of the Living Church of God in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Visit in Charlotte

Mr. Kilough and Mr. Franks traveled to Charlotte on Monday, Oct. 23, and returned to Cincinnati on Tuesday, Oct. 24.

While in Charlotte, they were hosted by Dr. Doug Winnail, the director of Church Administration for the Living Church of God.

The visit was very cordial and included a tour of the headquarters facility and introduction to the staff.

On Tuesday morning, Mr. Kilough and Mr. Franks joined Dr. Meredith, Dr. Winnail, Mr. Ames and Mr. Apartian for an open discussion on a variety of issues facing the Church of God. All involved felt the visit was profitable and were pleased with the opportunity to communicate.

Mr. Kilough extended a similar invitation to the leadership of the Living Church of God to make a visit to the home office of the United Church of God in Milford, Ohio. UN


  • Tammy Walston Vaught
    Oh my goodness, this is so good too, can articles like this bring us back together because I miss my teachers in Christ, they were like a father to me. Is this article saying they are back together again, or that it is inspiration to rejoin our efforts and unite our hearts, whatever it is, it is all for the good. God can use if He chooses, articles like this when He brings many to read this and respond. Love always
  • Tammy Walston Vaught
    Thank you and I found while on this page to comment on, where it says 'more information' that I could have read before I responded to this article, I would have known that the article was from November 2006, and it gives us remembrance and something to be praying about still. With God all things are possible. Love always. P.S. If anyone is having difficulty like me, in staying on their computer for lengths of time due to the energy coming from their computers, you could try Detoxified Iodine from **Link removed to comply with comment policy** it has changed the way that I respond to the articles in giving more concentration and mental clarity and protects.