United Church of God

Local Church Updates: Lagos Holds Second Young Adults/Family Weekend

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Local Church Updates

Lagos Holds Second Young Adults/Family Weekend

This program is designed to help bring the various groups in the Church together through fun-filled activities, excursions, Bible studies, shared experiences and workshops where various useful skills and talents can be shared. The theme of the program was "Equipping the Saints," taken from Ephesians 4:11-15. All the Bible studies, lectures and workshops focused on that topic. The first weekend held last year was so edifying and popular it was decided to make it a regular event. This year's event attracted eight young adults from other congregations who braved the rough Nigerian roads and traveled as far as over 800 kilometers to attend the program. The highest attendance recorded during the activity was 56. Activities commenced on Dec. 28 with an introduction by Oludare Akinbo, the associate pastor, on the reason for the event. He followed with a presentation on the theme "Equipping the Saints," using PowerPoint slides to make the message come alive. During the program, there was a bead-making class given by two of the young adults, Ibirogba Lola and Akinbo Ronke. The interest by both men and women to acquire this useful skill that could serve as a source for supplementing meager incomes and allowances was very encouraging. There was also a tie-and-dye class/workshop where participants were taught how to convert old and faded clothes into beautiful patterns. This is also a useful skill that could help reduce the burden of purchasing new clothes for kids and adults alike. It is also possible to use this as a means of boosting income. The high point of the program was the Sabbath service Dec. 30 where mothers and senior citizens were especially honored. All mothers with young children were saved the responsibility of looking after these children by the young adults. This allowed the mothers to concentrate on the message, titled "Preparing Our Children for the Kingdom of God." After the service there was a special lunch. The senior citizens being honored gave some words of advice and encouragement to the young adults gathered. There was an excursion by the preteens and young adults on Dec. 31 to a nature conservation center in the coastal part of Lagos. At the conservation center we saw several large tortoises said to be over 95 years old, and we climbed a tree house built on top of an almost 60-foot-tall tree! The entire five-day program was blessed by God with safe travel, pleasant weather and wonderful fellowship, and all went back home with a stronger sense of fellowship and family.