United Church of God

McCrady’s Retirement Celebration at the Dayton, Ohio, Congregation

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McCrady’s Retirement Celebration at the Dayton, Ohio, Congregation

Newly-appointed assistant pastor Ron Barker spoke warmly of the McCradys’ more than 16 years of service to the Dayton church.

He and local elder Dave Hemsley then presented them with several gifts: a card expressing the congregation’s love, a scarf for Mrs. McCrady, imprinted with Jeremiah 31:3: “He loves you with an everlasting love;” an art work of crystal mounted on a base bearing the statement, “Thank you for being helpers of our joy and teaching us that obeying God is for our good—Deuteronomy 10:12 and 13” and a wall plaque engraved with, “Be strong and courageous. The Lord is with you, wherever you go—Joshua 1:9.”

After the presentation, Mr. McCrady took a few moments to express his love and appreciation for the congregation. Afterwards, the congregation and guests enjoyed a Texas-style barbecue.

Reviewing their over-46 years of doing God’s work: The McCradys have served congregations in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Florida, Indiana, Texas, and Ohio. As certified marriage counselors they have conducted marriage seminars at congregations throughout the United States. Mr. McCrady was festival coordinator at the Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Feast site. And last year he was chosen to be regional pastor for states in the Northeast region.

As the McCradys prepare to move to Texas to be near family, even though they will be missed by Dayton and sister church Cincinnati North, the congregations share in their joy of beginning an exciting new chapter in their life!