United Church of God

Media News at a Glance: World News and Prophecy Subscriptions on the Rise

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Media News at a Glance

World News and Prophecy Subscriptions on the Rise

As can be seen on the "United Statistics" graph on page 1, we have seen a very good increase already from year to year. The graph shows the January worldwide circulation figures for the past five years.

Our online advertising not only benefits our U.S. circulation list, but also each of our international areas. Our ads appearing on Google, Yahoo and their affiliates are seen around the world except for Asia and Africa.

World News and Prophecy reaches a very important demographic in our efforts to preach the gospel to all nations. It is a very good introduction to the Church, which leads readers on to The Good News magazine, our booklets and our Bible Study Course. The success of these online advertising efforts is a very important part of our overall advertising mix.