United Church of God

Ministerial and Member Services: Operation Manager's Update

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Ministerial and Member Services

Operation Manager's Update

It is somewhat surprising to me that, for the most part, most around the globe seem to be cooperating with governmental directives on federal, state and local levels.

Clearly, these are not normal times. Many wonder if it is a lack of faith to comply with the many common-sense instructions on how to abate the spread of the virus.

It is a sacrifice to distance ourselves from one another, because most people thrive on human contact, on touch, and on personal, close communication.

The Bible is clear that there are times when it is prudent and best for human beings to quarantine themselves, lest they spread disease. Now is such a time, according to those who are most aware of how disease spreads. So much is still unknown in regard to COVID-19.

We have continued to observe the Sabbath and the annual Holy Days throughout this crisis. We will continue to worship God on a daily basis. We will continue to be faithful to God the Father and to Jesus Christ, our Savior, despite sacrificing personal contact with one another for a time.

When circumstances change, we will go back to worshiping and fellowshipping “up close and personal” as we have in the past.

I have been very pleased with the responses I have been getting from our ministry during these difficult times. They are truly dedicated to serving God and all of you in ways that, I believe, are pleasing to God. Thank you for being patient as we have implemented new webcasts and continue to strive to communicate with you more effectively. Please continue to reach out to one another, more than ever, and show your love and care by expressing it by phone and in other appropriate ways to all your local brethren. Please help your pastor to be made aware of any needs within the congregation for yourself and others. We want to help while taking reasonable measures to keep from spreading the virus.

We recently had a web meeting with all regional pastors in the U.S., and I am happy to say that we are all working together to provide for the needs of the brethren.

Each regional pastor gave a very encouraging report showing how the ministers in their regions are doing their best to ensure all members are being contacted and taken care of. These difficult times are challenging all of us to rise up to meet that challenge. As a result, we are all becoming more competent and confident that with God’s help we will learn a great deal from these troubling times. Members are showing greater concern for one another and we are actually drawing closer together as a people. It is often in adversity that we grow and learn the most. I am grateful there is a great deal of unity among our ministry and fellowship at this critical time.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your pastor for help. He wants to provide the help you need and will do his best to serve you. Our ministry is never too busy to do the right thing. As we deal with this “present distress,” we are faithful that “this too shall pass.” May that day come speedily!