United Church of God

News at a Glance: ABC Seminar Set for Calgary

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News at a Glance

ABC Seminar Set for Calgary

An ABC Continuing Education seminar is planned for Calgary, Alberta, on Nov. 11 and 12 (Remembrance Day weekend). ABC instructors Gary Antion and David Register will speak at Sabbath services and teach classes on Sabbath afternoon and evening as well as all day Sunday, for a total of 11 classes.

The purpose of the ABC Continuing Education seminars is to give members the opportunity to receive samples of some of the classes taught at Ambassador Bible Center. The seminars are beneficial for adults and young people. Some younger children in elementary school have received certificates!

Sabbath services and the seminars will be held at the Radisson Hotel, 2120–16 Avenue NE, Calgary, Alberta. The phone numbers for the Radisson are (800) 333-3333 and (403) 291-4666.

Sabbath services will start at 10:30 a.m. The classes will begin after lunch. The concluding time on Sunday will be about 5 p.m. with the distribution of certificates and awards.

There will be a minimal charge to help pay for the hall rental ($5 per person or $10 per family). Those who complete all 11classes will receive a certificate. The Radisson Hotel offers a group rate for those who wish to stay there. Feel free to make your own reservations.

If you would like to attend, please send the following details to Rainer Salomaa: Names of attendees, address, phone number and e-mail address. Send this information by e-mail to ray_salomaa@msn.com or by regular mail to Rainer Salomaa, 175 Sunlake Way SE, Calgary, AB, T2X 3H4, Canada.